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105 SPIS (Solar-powered-Irrigation)
7 de 7 páginas
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Cover solar pumping the basics by the world bank
event 20 abr. 2018

SPIS // Solar Pumping: The Basics

By the World Bank. Solar photovoltaic water pumping (SWP) uses energy from solar photovoltaic (PV) panels to power an electric water pump. The entire…

E7 A8538 Plaza de armas de San Pedro de Casta credits Aquafondo
event 23 sept. 2021

Nexus Blog // En un remoto pueblo andino de Perú, el Nexo conecta una laguna ancestral, cuyes y la energía solar

Este artículo presenta un proyecto piloto del Diálogo Regional de Nexo en América Latina y el Caribe, cofinanciado por la Comisión Europea y el…

Pompage solaire studie
event 14 mar. 2019

Pompage Solaire // Investigation de l’impact des installations de pompage solaire sur la consommation d’eau et la situation socio-économique d’un agriculteur dans 3 zones pilotes au Maroc

Cette étude vise à mieux comprendre comment la conversion au pompage solaire peut influencer la consommation d'eau et les conditions…

Karsten wurth inf1783 92122 unsplash
event 06 abr. 2018

Nationwide Implementation of Solar Farming Planned // Climate-Smart Agriculture Made in India

By Tushaar Shah. The Indian government recently announced a new multi-billion dollar scheme to implement solarisation of farm irrigation on a…

Xsolar india 1024x683
event 10 jul. 2018

Sistemas de Riego con Energía Solar // Naciones Unidas Anima a Extender los Sistemas de Riego con Energía Solar

Par Pilar Sánchez Molina. La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación (FAO) orienta en su nuevo informe sobre cómo…

20221103 1
event 03 nov. 2022

News // Integrating ecosystems in the Water-Food-Energy Nexus for greater sustainability

Sasha Koo-Oshima & Virginie Gillet from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/ UN-Water, reveal their thoughts on integrating…

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event 25 abr. 2022

Research Article // Optimization of Water-Energy-Food Nexus considering CO2 emissions from cropland: A case study in northwest Iran

By Marzieh Hasanzadeh Saray and colleagues. This study developed mitigation strategies for optimal cropping patterns and illustrates the interactions…

event 20 mar. 2020

Fact sheet // Decentralized Renewables: Boosting Agriculture and Improving Nutrition

This fact sheet shows up ways, solutions and examples how decentralized use of renewable energy sources can enhance food security.

Daniel fazio 564917 unsplash
event 20 abr. 2018

SPIS // Positive Prospects for Solar-powered Irrigation Systems

Solar powered irrigation systems are now an affordable and climate-friendly technology for both large and small-scale farmers in developing…

Kollo header
event 07 sept. 2021

Nexus Blog // Vers une féminisation de la technologie du concept Nexus Eau-Energie-Alimentation au Kollo (Niger)

Pour mettre du sien dans la lutte contre les effets du changement climatique, la Coordination Nationale des Usagers*ères des Ressources Naturelles de…

Andreas gucklhorn 285602 unsplash
event 11 ene. 2019

Nexus Blog // Solar Fields of Green: Researchers Find Symbiosis at the Food-Water-Energy Nexus

By Andrew Burger. Researchers around the world are discovering a variety of benefits resulting from installation of photovoltaic (PV) solar energy…

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event 09 oct. 2017

Toolbox // Solar-powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS)

The Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) is designed to enable advisors and practitioners in the field of solar irrigation to provide…

Pamapa concordia 1024x511
event 09 jul. 2018

Sistemas de Riego con Energía Solar // Chile Destina USA $ 1,8 Millones para Sistemas de Riego Fotovoltaico

Par Pilar Sánchez Molina. Se ha destinado una inversión público – privada de más de $1.165 millones de pesos (1,8 millones de dólares) a obras de…

Beaton mappingsolar
event 06 feb. 2020

Publication // Mapping Policy for Solar Irrigation Across the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus in India

By Christopher Beaton, Purva Jain, Mini Govindan, Vibhuti Garg, Rashmi Murali, Dimple Roy, Andrea Bassi, Georg Pallaske. This paper seeks to assist…

Cover spis benefits and risks of solar powered irrigation fao
event 20 abr. 2018

Solar-powered Irrigation Systems // The Benefits and Risks of Solar-powered Irrigation - A Global Overview

By Hans Hartung and Lucie Pluschke. This report takes stock of the experiences with SPIS around the world. What are the real costs and benefits of…

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