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105 SPIS (Solar-powered-Irrigation)
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Youtube WE4 F spis
event 11 nov. 2021

Video // SPIS Introduction: Benefits and Challenges

By Water and Energy for Food Grand Challenge (WE4F). This solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) tutorial video explores the importance of irrigation…

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event 09 abr. 2018

Taller // Toolbox en Sistemas de Irrigación con Energía Solar (SPIS) en Santiago de Chile

El Programa Diálogo Regional Nexo BMZ/UE en colaboración con la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) y con el apoyo del…

Cover Picture FAO SPIS webinar article
event 30 mar. 2021

Nexus Blog // The double-edged sword of solar-powered irrigation systems

By Stephanie Bilgram and Irene Sander. More than 100 participants from different regions and time-zones joined the 4th session of the FAO WEF Nexus…

Cover spis in kenya winrock international
event 18 jul. 2018

Return on Investment Case Study // Accelerating Solar Water Pump Sales in Kenya

This Return on Investment case study by Winrock International shows an increase in gross profits of up to 186% within one to two crop seasons after…

NL 13
event 25 ago. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N°13, August 2022

The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…

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event 18 may. 2020

Publication // Grow Solar, Save Water, Double Farmer Income

By The World Bank Group (2020). This extensive report from Rajasthan, India, sheds light on the state of the local water-energy-agriculture Nexus and…

Infographic solar water pumping by worldbank
event 08 may. 2018

Infographic // Solar Water Pumping - ready for mainstreaming?

Infographic by the Worldbank showing the price history of PV solar cells, a diesel-vs-solar cost calculation, possible flow, lifespan and challenges…

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event 14 sept. 2023

Research Article // Financial feasibility of developing solar groundwater irrigation in Ghana

By Hua Xie and Claudia Ringler. This study finds that solar-powered groundwater irrigation is a financially viable energy solution across most…

E7 A8538 Plaza de armas de San Pedro de Casta credits Aquafondo
event 24 sept. 2021

Nexus Blog // In a remote Andean village in Peru, Nexus connects an ancestral lagoon, guinea pigs and solar energy

This article presents a demonstration project of the Nexus Regional Dialogue in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), co-financed by the European…

Jrc technical report
event 29 abr. 2019

JRC Technical Report // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interactions Assessment: Renewable Energy Sources to support Water Access and Quality in West Africa

By Kougias I., Szabó S., Scarlat N., Monforti F., Banja M., Bódis K., Moner-Girona M. Mitigating the big challenges of access to clean water, energy…

Markus spiske 104913 unsplash
event 09 abr. 2018

Workshop // Toolbox on Solar Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) in Santiago, Chile

The BMZ / EU Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in collaboration with the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and with the…

event 18 jul. 2018

Getting Pumped // A Quest to Finance Solar Irrigation in Kenya

By Evgenia Sokolova. Solar pumping is a well established technology. However, financing solar irrigation can often be difficult, especially for small…

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event 08 sept. 2022

Research Article // Sustainable Groundwater Management in India Needs a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach

By Aditi Mukherji. This paper traces the historical evolution of WEF policies in the post Green Revolution period and weaves a narrative of how these…

Call for Tender RES4 Africa sharepic
event 16 may. 2022

Call for tenders // Innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin

RES4Africa opens tender for innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin. RES4Africa's Project aims at…

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event 08 abr. 2020

Publication // Capacity development for solar-powered irrigation

This is an abstract of an article that originally appeared in Rural21 (rural21.com), an international journal for rural development. The article…

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