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105 SPIS (Solar-powered-Irrigation)
3 de 7 páginas
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An irrigation water channel in Central Asia Photo Neil Palmer IWMI
event 29 jul. 2021

Article // Thinking Hydrologically - An Interview with Oyture Anarbekov, IWMI Country Manager – Uzbekistan

By Clara Colton Symmes, Princeton in Asia Fellow, IWMI. Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production,…

Andreas gucklhorn 285602 unsplash
event 02 nov. 2018

SPIS // Kickstarting India’s Multi-billion Dollar Solar Irrigation Scheme

By Shehnab Sahin, CCAFS South Asia. A multi-stakeholder policy consultation assesses the best way forward for implementing a scheme to promote solar…

Solar water pumping
event 09 ene. 2017

Video // Solar Water Pumping

By the World Bank. Many communities around the world have limited access to water. To reach deep groundwater reserves, diesel generated electricity…

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event 20 dic. 2021

Job Vacancy // Team Manager Water & Food Security

Are you an enterprising and connecting team manager who wants to work on the most important themes, such as water and food security, and climate…

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event 14 may. 2018

Here Comes the Sun // Solar Technology for Agriculture

By Mia Signs. Solar energy technology is not new and has been used in a wide variety of ways, from providing energy through microgrids in remote…

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event 26 abr. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogue LAC // IIGE, GIZ, and the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme present the implementation of a solar cocoa dryer in Tena, Ecuador

On April 13th, a technical visit was conducted at the solar cocoa dryer located at the Kallari Association's collection centre in Tena, Ecuador to…

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event 03 dic. 2019

Nexus Virtual Forum // Solar Powered Irrigation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges

The event revealed how the WEF Nexus approach sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable usage of SPIS and how it can help to…

Cairo water week spis session
event 17 oct. 2018

Nexus in MENA // Joint FAO-GIZ Session on SPIS with Water-Energy-Food Nexus Focus at Cairo Water Week

By Nisreen Lahham. From 14-18 October 2018, under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of…

Azraq situation small2 17383
event 02 ago. 2016

Master Thesis // Socio-Economic Challenges Facing the Implementation and Promotion of Solar Energy Farming in Azraq Basin, Jordan

By Anas Daradkah, University of Jordan. This research investigates what hinders or facilitates the application of photovoltaic energy farming…

Cover solar water pumping in india
event 09 may. 2018

Solar-powered Pump Irrigation and India's Groundwater Economy // A Preliminary Discussion of Opportunities and Threats

By Tushaar Shah and A. Kishore. Falling cost of photo voltaic (PV) cells is making solar irrigation pumps a reality in India. It is only a matter of…

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event 28 abr. 2023

Open Call for Applications // The South and Southeast Asia Regional Innovation Hub is proud to announce the second Call for Innovations

The South and Southeast Asia Regional Innovation Hub is proud to announce the second Call for Innovations. Companies, nonprofits with a for-profit…

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event 13 abr. 2022

Call for Offers // DEADLINE EXTENDED-Call: Construction of 3 wetlands to treat the water coming out from Wadi Al-Arroub Wastewater Treatment Plant and 3 solar systems to provide energy for the irrigation pumping systems in 3 farms

Global Water Partnership - Mediteranean has extended the deadline for the Call for Offers within the framework of the Project: MENA Water Matchmaker…

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event 02 oct. 2019

Estudio SPIS // Transversalización del Enfoque Nexo en el Contexto del Bombeo Solar para riego

El enfoque Nexo ofrece un diálogo regional y nacional sobre políticas públicas para la gestión de las interconexiones entre agua, energía y…

Solar suitability for irrigation
event 21 jul. 2021

News // Mapping tool helps private sector identify high-potential locations for solar irrigation pumps

By Mansoor Leh. As climate change threatens to exacerbate water scarcity and food insecurity in many parts of Africa, solar water pumps combined with…

Logo irena
event 29 jun. 2016

Solar Water Pumping // Solar Pumping for Irrigation: Improving Livelihoods and Sustainability

Irrigation improves yields, reduces vulnerability to changing rainfall patterns, and enables multiple cropping practices. This can stimulate…

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