Quiénos Somos
La Plataforma de Recursos para la Seguridad del Agua, la Energía y los Alimentos es una plataforma independiente de información y facilitación desarrollada en el marco del Programa Global "Diálogos Regionales Nexo",implementado por la Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), GmbH, financiada conjuntamente por el Ministerio Federal de Cooperación y Desarrollo Económicos de Alemania y la Unión Europea.
Estamos trabajando para integrar el diálogo de Nexo sobre el agua, la energía y la seguridad alimentaria en diálogos de política regional de alto nivel, decisiones de inversión y dentro de la agenda internacional de desarrollo sostenible.
Nuestro Programa implementa los Diálogos Regionales de Nexo que apoyan a las partes interesadas regionales para poner en práctica el concepto WEF Nexo en recomendaciones de políticas y proyectos piloto concretos.
- 2010
El enfoque del WEF Nexo ha ascendido a la agenda internacional después de haber sido promovido por primera vez en eventos internacionales de formulación de políticas en 2010.
- 2011
La Conferencia Nexo de Bonn 2011, organizada por el Gobierno alemán, presentó evidencia sobre cómo un enfoque WEF Nexo puede mejorar la seguridad del agua, la energía y los alimentos aumentando la eficiencia, reduciendo las compensaciones y creando sinergias, al tiempo que mejorando la gobernanza en los diferentes sectores.
- 2014
A partir de 2014, GIZ, en nombre del Ministerio Federal Alemán de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo, comenzó a implementar las actividades del Programa de Diálogos Regionales de Nexo.
- 2016 — 2020
El Programa de Diálogos Regionales de Nexo Fase I fue el resultado de los esfuerzos internacionales para poner en práctica el enfoque Nexo. El programa ha sido financiado conjuntamente por la Unión Europea y el Ministerio Federal Alemán de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo. Está diseñado para estimular los cinco Diálogos Regionales de Nexo (NRD) en los que participan diversas partes interesadas, incluidos los responsables políticos nacionales y regionales, el sector privado, la academia y la sociedad civil.
- 2020 — 2023
Los principales objetivos de la segunda fase son:
- institucionalizar el enfoque WEF Nexo en las estructuras de gobernanza nacionales y regionales y las decisiones de inversión en las Regiones
- mostrar el valor añadido WEF Nexo con proyectos de demostración en las Regiones
- promover el intercambio y la difusión de información a través del Centro de Conocimiento
Jefe de la Secretaría Global nexo
Maria Ana está a cargo de la Secretaría Global Nexo. Tiene una vasta experiencia en el sector del agua, habiendo trabajado para GIZ en Perú y en los países del Magreb. Antes de GIZ, trabajó como consultora para varias agencias de la ONU, también como investigadora y profesora en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú en Lima. Sus áreas de especialización incluyen asesoramiento en materia de políticas, desarrollo organizacional, desarrollo de capacidades, asociaciones público-privadas, y gestión de proyectos. Ha estudiado Ciencias Políticas y Geografía en la Universidad de Tubinga en Alemania y en la Universidad de Texas en Austin, Estados Unidos. Maria Ana trabaja en Eschborn, Alemania.
Head of Global Nexus Secretariat
Irene joined the Nexus Team in December 2020. Besides coordinating overall Secretariat support to the regions, she will be focusing on scoping financing opportunities for both small- and large-scale Nexus projects. She recently returned to Germany after 10 years living in the MENA region, where she worked as a GIZ adviser and World Bank consultant on diverse issues, such as integrated water resources management (IWRM) in Jordan and private sector development and employment promotion in Tunisia. She holds a M.A. in Political Sciences from Sciences Po Paris and the University of Bath.
Global Nexus Secretariat - Human Capacity Development
Eleonora has been working in the Global Nexus Secretariat since May 2022. She responsible for Human Capacity Development (HCD) as well as actively supporting the Global Nexus Secretariat.
Before joining the Secretariat, she has been, among other things, an advisor for strategic and technical policy advice and support to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and a specialist in knowledge management at GIZ. Prior to that, she worked for Prof. Dr. Klaus Töpfer to advise on the reform of the United Nations development system, and as a project assistant at the Global Policy Forum (GPF), mainly researching the role of private actors in international organisations, climate negotiations, and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
She holds a Master's degree in International Relations and Development Policy and is currently studying a part-time Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies. She fluent in both English and German.
Global Nexus Secretariat - Communications
Cecilia joined the Nexus team in June 2022 and is currently working as part of the Global Nexus Secretariat within the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme with a focus on communications and outreach. She is responsible for the Nexus Resource Platform, ensuring its operation and maintenance as well as its continued development and growth. She ensures Nexus networking activities, promotes the ongoing progress of the project and its success stories, builds cooperation with Nexus-based programmes, manages and creates contributions to all Nexus social media channels and the platform.
Cecilia has previously worked as a marketing and communications specialist in a Geopolitical analysis firm in the USA. She has also worked as a practising nurse in a London NHS hospital. She holds a BSc. in Adult Nursing from London and a Master’s in European Studies and International Relations from the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands. She is a native speaker of both English and French and is based in Bonn, Germany.
Secretaría Global del Nexo
Jakob Seidler ha estado trabajando como asesor junior para el componente Nexo desde principios de 2020. Sus principales tareas incluyen asesoramiento en materia de políticas al Ministerio Federal de Cooperación Económica y Desarrollo sobre todos los temas relacionados con Nexo, así como también dar apoyo de la Secretaría Global de Nexo y al componente en general. Antes de esta posición fue pasante con el programa del sector Política Sostenible del Agua, que se ocupa de los múltiples desafíos de lograr el ODS6, garantizar la disponibilidad y la gestión sostenible del agua y el saneamiento para todos. Jakob tiene experiencia en ciencias políticas, así como gestión integrada de los recursos naturales. Sus experiencias prácticas incluyen investigaciones sobre aspectos sociales de la gestión del suministro de agua en Jordania, así como esfuerzos de sostenibilidad de los servicios públicos de agua (Berliner Wasserbetriebe)
Advisor on the Nexus between Water, Rural Development and Food Security
Hannah has been working with the NEXUS-Team since August 2022. Her role is to advise the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development on the Nexus between Water, Rural Development and Food Security.
Before joining the NEXUS-Team, she has been working as a Policy Officer in the international division at the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, where she was responsible for the cooperation with Eastern Europe, Central- and Western Asia. Prior to that, she has worked as an Advisor for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), where she has worked on Water Resource Management and Transboundary Water Management in Iran an Afghanistan.
She holds a Master’s degree in International Security from Sciences Po Paris with a regional focus on Western Asia. Hannah is fluent in German, French and English and has a very good knowledge of Persian and Arabic.
Coordinador Regional para América Latina y el Caribe (LAC)
Antonio es el Coordinador Regional para el Diálogo Nexo en América Latina y el Caribe (LAC). Antonio cuenta con más de veinte años de experiencia en cooperación internacional, especialmente en los campos de las energías renovables y la mitigación del cambio climático, así como en financiación de proyectos, gestión, evaluaciones y finanzas. Tiene una Maestría en Administración de Empresas (MBA) de la Universidad de Chile y la Universidad de Tulane. Antonio es bilingüe nativo inglés y español y tiene su sede en Santiago, Chile.
Technical Advisor
Ghada joined the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in June 2022 and is currently working as Technical Advisor for the Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in the MENA Region. She supports the MENA Regional Coordinator with the smooth implementation of WEF Nexus activities within the region, ensures liaison with the League of Arab States) LAS and other relevant partners in the region. She has 14 years of professional experience in Environmental Consulting and Public-Private Sector Partnerships.
Ghada is fluent in Arabic and English, has a background in Chemical Engineering and holds a Master’s Degree in Water-Energy-Food Nexus Implementation from the Center for Sustainable Development (School of Sciences and Engineering from the American University in Cairo.
Regional Coordinator Niger Basin
Robert is the Regional Nexus Coordinator in the Niger Basin in support of the Niger Basin Authority, based in Niamey, Niger. The Basin comprises 9 countries in West Africa and is home to more than 160 million people. Previously, he worked as a political consultant with GIZ to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development on the topic of water and climate change with a particular focus on climate change adaptation and resilience.
He studied in Germany, France and Canada and holds a M.A. in Geographies of Globalisation from the University of Frankfurt and a B.Sc. in Geography from the University in Münster (both Germany). Robert is fluent in French and English and native in German. His regional focus is East- and particularly West-Africa, while he is based in Cologne, Germany.
Technical Advisor, Niger Basin
Aïchatou Maïgari is a specialist in environmental management environment, climate change, local development in the sustainable management of natural resources, particularly water resources in the Niger basin, the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus Food Security Nexus and the management of conflicts related to natural resources. She has joined the Nexus team in February 2023 and as Technical Advisor to the Niger BasinNexus Dialogue.
She has a Master II in Environmental Management from Senghor University in Alexandria, an Engineering degree in Water and Forestry from the Rural Polytechnic Institute of Training and Applied Research (IPR/IFRA) of Katibougou (Bamako) and a DEUG in Life Sciences from the Faculty of Science and Technique (FAST) of the University of Bamako.
She has 10 years of experience in technical support, monitoring and evaluation of projects and programs as well as project management, including 6 years in the technical support of users of natural resources in the Niger basin. She has participated in the empowerment of of women in the context of climate resilience through the Nexus water-energy-food security project. She has carried out several consultations in the framework of sustainable management of natural resources.
Advisor Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme
Moussa is the Advisor for the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus Regional Dialogue Program in Support to the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and its nine member States. He has over fifteen years of experience working with, and for, governments, NGOs and donor organizations. Dr. Ibrahim is a PhD holder in the Climate Change and Water Resources Program from Co-Universities, University of Abomey-Calavi and University of Boon (ZEF). He has performed research activities in the context of climate change impact on the availability of water resources in the Niger river basin, with focus the Niger inland delta (NID).
Dr. Ibrahim is a Water Resources and Environmental Engineer from Ahmadu Bello University (ABU). He also holds a Master’s in integrated water resources management (IWRM) from International Institute of Water and Environmental Engineering (2iE). He has considerable experience with managing largescale data. He is involved in research, teaching and capacity development activities related to water resources management, hydrological risk and adaptation to climate variability and change, food security, wetland and ecosystem services - with a focus on West Africa. He is a published author of articles on “Hydrology and IJCET Journals” and regularly participates in International Conferences.
Especialista en proyectos de inversión para Asia Central
Sra. Aksulu Kushanova trabaja como especialista en proyectos de inversión en el Centro Regional del Medio Ambiente para el Asia Central (CAREC) y presta apoyo analítico al Programa de Diálogos Regionales sobre el Nexo en el Asia Central (CA). Concretamente, lidera la ejecución de los proyectos de demostración del Nexo en cinco países de CA y los productos analíticos relacionados con el Nexo. Anteriormente, Sra. Kushanova ha trabajado durante más de diez años en el Banco Mundial como consultora en energía. Su principal interés se centró en la transmisión y generación de energía, la calefacción urbana, las fuentes de energía renovable, la eficiencia energética y el mercado del carbono. Participó en numerosas actividades de investigación del Banco Mundial: "Atascado en la transición": Reform Experiences and Challenges Ahead in the Kazakhstan Power Sector" y "Energy Efficiency Transformation in Astana and Almaty". En el marco de la iniciativa de las Naciones Unidas "Energía sostenible para todos", la Sra. Kushanova realizó un análisis de todos los aspectos energéticos de Kazajstán para el cuadro de mando integral de políticas que califica a más de cien países (RISE). La sra. Kushanova es licenciada por la Universidad de Kazajstán en Relaciones Internacionales e Idiomas Mundiales, que lleva el nombre de Abylai Khan, y tiene una maestría en Administración Pública de la Escuela Lee Kuan Yew de Política Pública (Singapur).
Coordinador Regional, Asia Central
La Sra. Ludmilla Kiktenko es la Coordinadora Regional del Programa de Diálogos Regionales del Nexo en Asia Central (CA) y la Directora del Programa de Gestión Ambiental del Centro Regional del Medio Ambiente para Asia Central (CAREC). Dirige la ejecución del proyecto financiado por la Unión Europea "Diálogo sobre el nexo en el Asia central" y supervisa los progresos de la ejecución del proyecto en cinco países de la CA. Tiene más de 20 años de experiencia profesional en cinco países de Asia Central en el diseño y la ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo nacionales y regionales. Es miembro de los grupos de trabajo intergubernamentales de Asia Central para desarrollar programas interestatales, como la cuarta edición del Programa de la Cuenca de Aral, el Programa Ambiental Regional para el Desarrollo Sostenible y otros. Antes de incorporarse a CAREC, la Sra. Kiktenko adquirió una importante experiencia de trabajo en diversas ONG locales. Tiene una maestría en economía y administración de empresas.
SDG Water Investments Officer
Ms. Kumbirai is a Development Professional and Water Engineer with skills and experience in bulk water supply, hydropower engineering and water resources management (WRM) across Africa. She has private sector and inter-governmental experience. Her experience includes the design and construction management of water infrastructure, the development of programs in WRM and the water-energy-food security nexus, technical facilitation of multi-stakeholder dialogues, stakeholder coordination and client relationship management. Shamiso holds an Undergraduate and Master’s degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Cape Town.
Senior Technical Advisor
Andrew started his career working in water and environmental engineering consultancy and then expanded his scope of work into the development sector - working for IUCN and GWP. Experienced in water resources management and development, working in a number of countries in Africa and over the years, he has been involved in water resources planning at national and regional level. He is currently the Senior Technical Advisor for GWP Africa Coordination Unit, providing technical leadership in the implementation of projects which manage the risk of climate change to development in Africa. He also provides expertise in investment planning, project development and financing. Andrew’s experience in the in the development sector has allowed him to engage with policymakers, development finance institutions, international cooperating partners, private sector, government practitioners and civil society at large.
Technical Advisor
Kidanemariam Jembere Tiruneh has extensive experience in the areas of water and natural resources management and environmental protection. He has experience in working for, and with, governments, NGOs and donor organizations. Kidanemariam is the Technical Advisor for Water, Climate and Development Programme (WACDEP), providing technical support to the programme’s implementation in the Eastern and Southern African regions. He is also managing the EU-supported project on Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the SADC region. He is involved in capacity building programmes in Africa around Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM), Climate Change Adaptation, Conflict resolution and Negotiation Skills. Previously Kidane worked as Regional Program Manager for GWP Eastern Africa for over four years. He has also worked as Environment Advisor at the Royal Norwegian Embassy and the Canadian International Development Cooperation (CIDA) in Ethiopia. Kidane has written and contributed to different publications including Training Manual for Conflict Management and Negotiation Skills in IWRM, Case studies on IWRM implementation, and on building community and ecosystems resilience. Kidanemariam is a graduate (M.Sc.) of UNESCO-IHE, Delft, The Netherlands in Environmental Science and Technology.
Programme Officer
Annah works as a Programme Officer at GWPSA and supports the implementation of the SADC WEF Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme. Her expertise and interests include IWRM, agricultural water management, circular economy, sustainable water supply and sanitation. Her previous experience include research in irrigation and water engineering at various universities and circular economy at IWMI; working in private sector where she mainly supported irrigation water management projects in the UAE and later expanded into the development sector where she supported the implementation of water resources management projects in Africa, at the World Bank. She holds a MSc degree in International Land and Water Management from Wageningen University in the Netherlands.
Coordinador Regional FREXUS
Alexandre está a cargo del Proyecto Frexus. Ha trabajado durante los últimos 10 años en el extranjero en el sector del agua en la región MENA para GIZ y para la Cooperación Francesa. Antes trabajó también para diferentes ONG francesas en Francia y en África, como representante del Consejo Regional de Ile-de-France en Mauritania y para el sector privado en Francia. Sus áreas de experiencia implican asesoramiento en materia de políticas, desarrollo organizacional, enfoque participativo, desarrollo de capacidades y gestión de proyectos. Ha estudiado Geografía en la Universidad de París Sorbona en París, Francia. Alexandre tiene su sede en Eschborn, Alemania y viaja regularmente a la región del Sahel.
Technical Advisor, FREXUS
David joined the Nexus team in April 2021 and is currently working as the technical advisor for the Frexus project in Chad, where he is based. He is responsible for the implementation of the project in the Kanem province intervention area. His expertise lies in promoting peaceful reconciliation, interreligious dialogue and community development.
He previously worked as a project manager of NGO ARDEK in Mao, Chad in 2020, within the framework of the RESI-SCHOOL project financed by the World Food Program. Between 2017 and 2019, he worked as the head of the CESADEP project under the Reinforcement of Resilience and Pacific Cohabitation Project in Chad. He also gained experience as the technical officer of the Support Project for Conflict Prevention and Peaceful Co-existence in Chad from 2015 to 2016, under the umbrella of GIZ Chad.
David holds a Master’s degree in Territory Planning and Development Planning from Institut de Développement Economique et Social, and acquired a Certificate of Pastoral Studies, Interreligious Dialogue within the framework of Institut Formation Islamo-Chrétienne in Bamako, Mali.
Technical Advisor FREXUS
Mr. Kone recently joined the Nexus Team as the Technical Advisor in Mali as part of the Frexus Project: Improving security and resilience to climate change in fragile contexts through the WEF Nexus. He is an agricultural engineer, specialised in agroforestry and has worked on numerous research topics related to climate change at the Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER) based in Mali.
From 2017 to 2019, he led the activities of the SmAT-Scaling project, which was based on the sustainable management of natural resources and the fight against poverty in a context of climate change and variability, financed by the US government through USAID and implemented by CRS (Catholic Relief Service) in the Mopti, Timbuktu and Sikasso regions. He also participated in the elaboration of local conventions for the management of natural resources and pastoral schemes, with an emphasis on inter-stakeholder dialogue in southern Mali (Yanfolila circle, Sikasso region).
Technical Advisor
Dr. Boubacar is a water and climate change expert currently working as a technical advisor to the Frexus project at GIZ which he joined in 2021. Prior to GIZ, he was an Environmental/safety program coordinator at the US Embassy of Niger from 2020 to 2021. He also served as the Environmental and water resources Expert at SahelConsulting group from 2015 to 2020 where he performed projects for multi-national clients in water resources evaluation, climate change impacts as well as sites assessments.
Dr. Boubacar holds a PhD in climate change and water resources from the West African Science Service for Climate Change and Adapted Land Use WASCAL GRP/BENIN of the Université of Abomey Calavi, Benin. He holds a Master’s degree in groundwater resource management from Abdou Moumouni University, and a Master degree in Climate Change and Sustainable Development from AGRHYMET Regional Center of Niamey. He was a fellowship of USAID West African Water Supply Sanitation and Hygiene.
Coordinador regional Lago Kivu y Río Ruzizi
Kristine Herbomel es responsable del proyecto de Apoyo a la Gestión Integrada de Recursos Hídricos del lago Kivu y del Río Ruzizi. El objetivo del proyecto es mejorar la gestión hidrológica y operativa del lago Kivu y el río Ruzizi, al tiempo que se persigue un enfoque integrado y basado en Nexo. Anteriormente, Kristine trabajó como funcionaria para el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, donde gestionó programas internacionales de creación de capacidad en la gestión de los recursos hídricos y asesoró a funcionarios sobre la política internacional del agua. Tiene una Maestría en Política Ambiental Global de la Universidad Americana y una licenciatura en Relaciones Internacionales y Negocios Globales de la Universidad del Sur de California. Kristine tiene su sede en Eschborn, Alemania.
Regional Advisor
Desire is currently working as regional Advisor for transboundary water management on the EU/BMZ co-funded project to “Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River basin’’ shared with Rwanda, Burundi and DRC. He co-manages contracts ranging from consultancy studies, communication and visibility, grants for local and international NGOs implementing pilots’ projects, organizing training and capacity development workshops across the region. In addition to this he regularly takes part in meetings and consultations with local and international institutions around the topic of transboundary water resources management using the WEF Nexus approach.
His area of expertise is engineering; he holds a Bachelor’s degree in civil engineering from the University of Rwanda and a Master’s degree in Water sanitation and Health Engineering from The University of Leeds, UK and a 2018 Chevening Scholar. Desire is from Kigali, Rwanda and is fluent in English and French.
Technical Advisor
Manassé is currelty working on the implementation of the WEF Nexus approach in the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Basin, based in Bukavu with supporting contacts in Kinshasa and Goma (Democratic Republic of Congo), but also moving around the Great Lakes region (Rwanda and Burundi). He has more than 10 years of experience in the Environmental Compliance, Water and Wetlands management which enables him to assume an advisory role for stakeholders in the project and the mutualization of efforts for transboundary water management and mitigation policies in the context of climate change. To Manassé, good water resources management is not only a profession but a passion.
Manassé is from the DR Congo, is fluent in French, English and Swahili and holds a master's degree in Socio-Economics of Environment from the Catholic University of Louvain and the University of Liege (Belgium).