SPIS (Solar-powered-Irrigation)
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Assessment of Solar Energy Farming Interactions // The Azraq Case in Jordan with Insights from India
By Mohammad Al-Saidi. This report focuses on experiences with solar energy farming (SEF), and in particular the solar energy farming project in the…
Innovative Water Management // Energy Efficiency in Water Pumping and Climate Change Mitigation: Triple Win for the Water Authority of Jordan
by Performance Management Unit (PMU), Ministry of Water and Irrigation (Jordan). The Water Authority of Jordan (WAJ) is the largest electricity…
Research Article // Optimization of agricultural resources in water-energy-food nexus in complex environment: A perspective on multienergy coordination
By Mo Li and colleagues. This study provides an optimization pathway for the sustainable development of WEFN systems in irrigated agricultural areas.…
Nexus Blog // Food Security and Women Empowerment Through Solar-Powered Irrigation in Niger
By Apolline Rolland and WE4F team in Abidjan. Thirty kilometres from the capital of Niger, in the region of Kollo recently marked by terrorism, a…
Climate Action // Solar Irrigation Can Improve Food Security and Prosperity, Says UN Agency
New research from the the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has shown the significant potential for solar powered…
Research Article // Financial feasibility of developing solar irrigation in Mali
By Hua Xie and Claudia Ringler. This study finds that solar-powered groundwater irrigation is a financially viable energy solution across most…
Recording // Session #3 of the Webinar Series "Solutions Using Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approaches"
This is the recording of the third session of the 2nd Round of Webinar on Water-Energy-Food Nexus, focusing on NEXUS SOLUTIONS. It took place on…
Nexus Publicación // Manual de Capacitación Equipo Móvil de Bombeo Solar
Desarrollar y fortalecer capacidades de asesoramiento técnico y formulación de proyectos de agua, energía solar y producción de alimentos, en…
Project // Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience in South Asia (SoLAR-SA)
Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience (SoLAR) in South Asia aims to sustainably manage the water-energy and climate interlinkages in South…
Study // Solarising Groundwater Irrigation in India: A Growing Debate
By Nitin Bassi. India’s carbon footprint in agriculture is on the rise. Heavy subsidies for electricity and diesel to pump groundwater for irrigated…
Policy Paper // Sustainable Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems
Solar-powered irrigation systems have earned a reputation for contributing to multiple Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a single technology.…
Nexus Regional Dialogue MENA // Launching the Nexus Farms Initiative in Egypt – How to secure food supply and rural livelihoods in the context of climate change
Thursday, the 16th of June 2022 marked the beginning of the Nexus Farm Initiative, which is implemented by our partners at Gebal Egypt and Dendara…
Vacancy // Technical Expert - Promotion of Solar Water Pumps
The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is looking for a technical expert in a project centered around the promotion of…
Devex // Opinion: How to Keep Africa’s Boom in Solar-Powered Irrigation From Going Bust
By: Miriam Otoo and Petra Schmitter. Solar-powered irrigation pumps are without a doubt one of Africa’s most promising solutions to climate change…
Research Article // Unlocking the Potential of farmer-led Irrigation Development in Central and Northern Nigeria: What does it take?
By Hua Xie, Petra Schmitter, A E Obayelu, Kato Edward, Bedru Balana, and Claudia Ringler. The potential for profitable groundwater irrigated area…