Climate change
Conference // Dresden Nexus Conference
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) will take place in Dresden from 8-10 April 2025, under the theme: "The Future of Resources – Resources of the…
Conference // Water Energy Nexus Conference
The 5th WaterEnergyNEXUS Conference will leverage an international platform to facilitate the exchange of critical insights into sustainable…
Webinar // Nexus Gains Webinar 29: Water in a Heated World
This CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains webinar will explore the critical interplay between climate change and water resources. It will look at the…
Stockholm World Water Week 2024 // SIWI Seminar Series (3/3): Technical solutions for secure water supplies: WEFE-Nexus in Transboundary Contexts
Sharing water resources, be it either surface or groundwater, between countries requires transboundary water cooperation. WEFE Nexus solutions that…
Webinar // Spatially explicit approaches at the food–biodiversity–climate nexus
Achieving food, biodiversity, and climate goals in tandem requires managing land-use systems for multiple purposes. This NEXUS Gains Talk will focus…
Webinar // Integrated water resources management for water, energy, and food security in the Eastern Nile Basin
This webinar will present results from the CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains and related work in the Eastern Nile Basin that can help policymakers…
Webinar // Water–energy–food–ecosystems dynamics in a climate crisis
This NEXUS Gains webinar will discuss the complex relationships between water, energy, food, and ecosystems (WEFE) in the context of the climate…
Forum // Asia and the Pacific Food Security Forum 2024
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will organize the Asia and the Pacific Food Security Forum 2024 (#FSForum2024) on 8-12 April 2024, at ADB…
Webinar // Transformative leadership program for women professionals in the water–energy–food–ecosystems nexus
NEXUS Gains studied barriers for WEFE stakeholders in Nepal, emphasizing the need for women's confidence in male-dominated environments. They…
Meeting // Eighth meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus
The eighth meeting of the Task Force on Water Food Energy Ecosystems Nexus marks ten years of work on the theme of cross-sectoral cooperation under…
Conference // 6th Karachi International Water Conference
The 6th Karachi International Water Conference, taking place 27-28th November, will address the interface of water and climate justice as direct and…
Conference // Global Food Security Summit - Nourishing the Future: Innovating and Uniting to Address Global Hunger and Malnutrition
The Global Food Security Summit will focus international attention on the deepening global food security crisis and help boost efforts to achieve…
Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talk N°17 - Energy, water, and multisectoral linkages in Africa
Interdependencies between resource systems complicate the development of water–energy–food–ecosystems (WEFE) resources. This NEXUS Gains webinar will…
Advanced Course // Integrating the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus approach in Mediterranean irrigated agriculture
Organized by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), through the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of…
Webinar // Linking the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Sanitation in the WANA Region
The objective of the Webinar is to understand the link between the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus and sanitation, by examining cross-cutting themes…