The Water, Energy & Food Security Resource Platform
The Nexus Resource Platform is the leading global knowledge hub for managing and sharing resources on the Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus. It enables practitioners, researchers and policymakers to think beyond sectors to ensure access to water, energy and food for all.
The Nexus Resource Platform empowers you with action-oriented key information
We enable policymakers, planners, academia and scholars to make WEF Nexus thinking a reality with knowledge products, trainings, videos and projects. Our knowledge hub features a wide range of resources that can support and inspire you to get the WEF Nexus approach into action.
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Recent Resources
What is the Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach and why do we need it?
In the 21st century, the world´s demand for natural resources is more pressing than ever before. The Water, Energy and Food security Nexus approach aims to secure the supply of these resources by strengthening synergies and reducing trade-offs among these sectors.
Upcoming Events
Show All EventsConference // Water Energy Nexus Conference
The 5th WaterEnergyNEXUS Conference will leverage an international platform to facilitate the exchange of critical insights into sustainable development goals. Participants…
Conference // CGIAR Science Week
CGIAR and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) are convening the world’s leading scientists and decision-makers at the intersection of…
Conference // Dresden Nexus Conference
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) will take place in Dresden from 8-10 April 2025, under the theme: "The Future of Resources – Resources of the Future." Since its…