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32 Noticias
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event 05 nov. 2024

Call for Proposals // UNU-FLORES - Nexus Dresden Conference

From April 8th to April 10th, 2025, the global Resource Nexus community will come together in Dresden, Germany, to discuss the future of integrated…

event 30 ago. 2023

Call for Tenders // NEX-LABS Commercialization Prize in Jordan (Extended Deadline)

Call for experts to provide consultancy services for the implementation of the Commercialization Prize in Jordan under the NEX-LABS Project.

event 24 nov. 2022

Call for Abstracts // European Geoscience Union General Assembly 2023

The Università degli Studi di Firenze is organising a session on ‘Impacts of land use and land cover changes on water resources and water-related…

event 03 ago. 2022

Call for Articles // Technology Innovation and Analysis at the FEW Nexus: A Critical Pathway toward Sustainability

The Journal of Environmental Research: Infrastructure and Sustainability is calling for the submission of articles for the special issue on the topic…

event 25 jul. 2022

Call for offers // Preparation of an Assessment on the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems Nexus, Morocco

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med), legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR…

event 10 jun. 2022

Call for Papers // South Asia Water Competition (SAWAC) 2022

This call for papers aims at mobilising and challenging young minds to think about water problems and solutions from national and regional…

event 16 may. 2022

Call for tenders // Innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin

RES4Africa opens tender for innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin. RES4Africa's Project aims at…

event 11 may. 2022

Call for offers // Final Evaluation of the project “Promoting the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Southeastern Europe, through the use of the Nexus approach”

Global Water Partnership – Mediterranean (GWP – Med), legally and lawfully represented by the non-profit society MEDITERRANEAN INFORMATION OFFICE FOR…

event 09 may. 2022

Call for Abstracts // Circular Economy: Addressing the novel concept of water-food-energy Nexus for the sustainable future

FrontiersIn is accepting abstracts for the research topic 'Circular Economy: Addressing the novel concept of water-food-energy Nexus for the…

event 04 may. 2022

Call for Applications // NEX-LABS Summer School To Grow Innovations In The Water Energy Food NEXUS

Berytech is organizing the NEX-LABS Summer School, a regional 5-day program that allows entrepreneurs and startups to turn their innovations in the…

event 20 abr. 2022

Job posting // Review and Updating of the SADC Water Research Agenda

The Southern African Development Community (SADAC) is looking for individual consultants to review and update the SADC Water Research Agenda. Submit…

event 14 abr. 2022

Call for Applications // WEF Nexus Masterclass & Winter School for Southern Africa

Apply now to join the WEF Nexus Masterclass (13-15 June 2022) and Winter School (8-12 August 2022) for Southern Africa. Apply before April 30, 2022.

event 13 abr. 2022

Call for Offers // DEADLINE EXTENDED-Call: Construction of 3 wetlands to treat the water coming out from Wadi Al-Arroub Wastewater Treatment Plant and 3 solar systems to provide energy for the irrigation pumping systems in 3 farms

Global Water Partnership - Mediteranean has extended the deadline for the Call for Offers within the framework of the Project: MENA Water Matchmaker…

event 12 abr. 2022

Call for Offers // International Specialist for transboundary water management and Project Document Preparation Specialist / Technical Advisor

GWP-Med has issued a call for offers for a technical advisor/international specialist in the framework of the regional project "Implementing the…

event 22 mar. 2022

Appel à Candidatures // Accélération des Startups Nexus EESA

L’appel à candidature est prolongé jusqu’au 11 avril 2022 ! L'institut 2iE organise un concours pour le compte de la GIZ avec le financement de…

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