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La Plataforma de Recursos Nexo está sujeta a un continuo desarrollo estratégico y técnico.
Research Article // Water, energy and environment in Eurasia
By Oktay.F. Tanrisever and Halil Burak Sakal. This book highlights the analytical benefits of employing the nexus approach in studying the complex…
Research Article // A factorial inexact copula stochastic programming (FICSP) approach for water-energy- food nexus system management
By Yu Wang and colleagues. In this research, a factorial inexact copula stochastic programming (FICSP) method is developed for planning the…
Research Article // Land suitability class and implications to Land-Water-Food Nexus: A case of rice cultivation in Thailand
By Jutaporn Keson, Thapat Silalertruksa and Shabbir H.Gheewala. The study evaluated the land suitability class implications on major and second rice…
Research Article // Present and Future Losses of Storage in Large Reservoirs Due to Sedimentation: A Country-Wise Global Assessment
By Duminda Perera, Spencer Williams and Vladimir Smakhtin. Estimates of storage losses globally are largely lacking. In this study, earlier proposed…
Research Article // Impact of high-density managed aquifer recharge implementation on groundwater storage, food production and resilience: A case from Gujarat, India
By Mohammad Faiz Alam and colleagues. The impact of CDs on groundwater storage, food production and resilience are assessed for Kamadhiya catchment…
Research Article // Maximizing Water Use Efficiency in Rice Farming: A Comprehensive Review of Innovative Irrigation Management Technologies
By Maduri Mallareddy and colleagues. In this article, the suitability of different water-saving rice production methods is reviewed based on factors…
Review Papers // Hidden gems: Highlighting underrepresented but valuable knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus
By Caitlin Grady and colleagues. By using a reverse citation systematic review method, this paper highlights lesser known works and perspectives in…
Research Article // Optimization of economic return from water using water-energy-food nexus approach: A case of Karnafuli Basin, Bangladesh
By Mukand S Babel and colleagues. This study evaluates the existing situation of the water, energy and food resource interaction in the Karnafuli…
Research Article // Assessing the effects of water resources allocation on the uncertainty propagation in the water–energy–food–society (WEFS) nexus
By Yujie Zeng and colleagues. This article proposes an approach that helps to quantify the effects of water resources allocation on the uncertainty…
Research Article // Incorporating nitrogen in the water-energy-food nexus: An optimization approach
By Reem Khattar and colleagues. This work emphasizes the potential role of nitrogen as a primary decision factor when addressing WEF security and…
Research Article // Enhancement in thermal performance of solar dryer through conduction mode for drying of agricultural produces.
By Rupal Jain and colleagues. This article presents a solar conduction dryer (SCD) used for drying agricultural produce. The drying efficiency of the…
Research Article // The Nexus between Agriculture, Water, Energy and Environmental Degradation in Central Asia—Empirical Evidence Using Panel Data Models
By Olimjon Saidmamatov and colleagues. There is a positive long-term impact of economic growth, water productivity, energy consumption and…
Research Article // Coupling Coordination and Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Water-Land-Food Nexus: A Case Study of Hebei Province at a County-Level
By Wenzhe Luo and colleagues. The researchers chose 26 indicators to build a Water-Land-Food nexus evaluation index system. The authors used the…
Research Article // The impact of water conservation policies on the reallocation of agricultural water-land resources
By Hadis Kavand and colleagues. The present research explored the effects of water resources conservation policies on optimal cropping pattern and…
Research Article // Solar-powered farm rickshaw for agricultural transport
By Pranay Rajendra Lanjekar and colleagues. The automobile sector is rising rapidly at a global level. Most work has been done on solar-powered…
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