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event 05 feb. 2025

Report // Engineering, Water and Food Nexus

A report of the Standing Technical Committee on Water (CW) of the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) on Climate Change and Food…

event 26 sept. 2023

Report // Access to finance for green and social entrepreneurs. A Handbook on how to get into an impact investor’s mind.

By Green Impact MED - Positive Investments for Positive Impacts (GIMED). This Handbook is meant to support green and social entrepreneurs in better…

event 25 sept. 2023

Report // Delivering on the Sustainable Development Goals through Solutions at the Energy, Food and Finance Nexus I 2023 Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership Report

This 2023 Asia-Pacific SDG Partnership Report examines the role of energy, food and finance in amplifying shocks, while also highlighting their role…

event 11 sept. 2023

Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Final Products

After six years of diligent implementation, the conclusion of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, was successfully achieved in June 2023.…

event 08 sept. 2023

Study // Lessons Learned Study: Insights gained from the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme

The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, which ran from 2016 to 2023, sought to identify the most effective institutional arrangements, methodologies…

event 23 ago. 2023

Report // Institutionalisation of the WEFE Nexus in the Niger Basin

By Ousmane Seidou and colleagues. In less than one year the Niger Basin Authority, an intergovernmental body tasked with the sustainable development…

event 15 may. 2023

Review Papers // Hidden gems: Highlighting underrepresented but valuable knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus

By Caitlin Grady and colleagues. By using a reverse citation systematic review method, this paper highlights lesser known works and perspectives in…

event 02 may. 2023

Report // The United Nations World Water Development Report 2023: partnerships and cooperation for water

By UNESCO. The 2023 United Nations World Water Development Report on Partnerships and Cooperation assesses the nature and role of partnerships and…

event 14 abr. 2023

Report // Include the fossil-free transition in the next Water Action Agenda

By Karina Barquet and colleagues. This report examines the need for the leaders to account climate, ecosystem, social benefits and trade-offs. These…

event 30 mar. 2023

Report // Towards Operationalising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Pamela Katic and R. Quentin Grafton. This technical report examines the profound connections between food, energy and water (the Nexus) at a…

event 07 feb. 2023

Report // Living Customary Water Tenure in Rights-based Water Management in Sub-Saharan Africa

By Barbara van Koppen. Based on literature, this IWMI research report seeks to develop a grounded understanding of the ways in which rural people…

event 02 dic. 2022

Report // The State of Food and Agriculture 2022: Leveraging agricultural automation for transforming agrifood systems

Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The State of Food and Agriculture 2022 looks into the drivers of…

event 24 nov. 2022

Report // Advancing Knowledge of the Water-Energy Nexus in the GCC Countries

Published by the World Bank. Climate change and increasing population pressure make it increasingly urgent to find ways to improve the management of…

event 19 ago. 2022

Publication // National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger.

This baseline study aims to generate empirical data that will contribute to strengthening the knowledge and capacity of governmental and…

event 13 jun. 2022

Report // The nature of conflict and peace: The links between environment, security and peace and their importance for the United Nations

By Rüttinger, Lukas; Raquel Munayer, Pia van Ackern, and Florian Titz. This new report by WWF and adelphi looks at how climate-security can be…

1 3x

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