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191 Recursos
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event 22 nov. 2021

Recording // Water, climate, and borders - The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience at COP26

This is the recording of the session "Water, climate, and borders - The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience", that took place at…

event 08 nov. 2021

Report // CACIP review issue 1: July - September 2021: Sustainable energy and green recovery

The Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) collects, structures and visualises public-domain climate and climate-relevant data and…

event 22 oct. 2021

Report // Sustainable Agriculture in India 2021: What we know and how to scale up

By Niti Gupta, Shanal Pradhan, Abhishek Jain and Nayha Patel. Published in April 2021. This report explores the current state of sustainable…

event 14 sept. 2021

Project // Integrated Urban Services

Integrated Urban Services (IUS) is a program under the United States-Association of Southeast Asian Nations (US-ASEAN) Smart Cities Partnership…

event 10 sept. 2021

Research article // Methods of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Aiko Endo, Kimberly Burnett, Pedcris M. Orencio, Terukazu Kumazawa, Christopher A. Wada, Akira Ishii, Izumi Tsurita and Makoto Taniguchi. This…

event 06 sept. 2021

Research article // Multi-scale analysis of the water-energy-food nexus in the Gulf region

By Christian Siderius, Declan Conway, Mohamed Yassine, Lisa Murken, Pierre-Louis Lostis and Carole Dalin. The aim of this paper is to characterise in…

event 01 sept. 2021

Research article // How Methods for Navigating Uncertainty Connect Science and Policy at the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Laurie Yung, Elena Louder, Louise A. Gallagher, Kristal Jones and Carina Wyborn. This paper builds upon recent work calling for a pragmatic and…

event 25 ago. 2021

Research article // Water, energy and food nexus of Indus Water Treaty: Water governance

By Ali Raza Kalair, Naeem Abas, Qadeer Ul Hasan, Esmat Kalair, Anam Kalair and Nasrullah Khan. In this paper, the authors report global water…

event 02 ago. 2021

Research article // Impacts of climatic change and database information design on the water-energy-food nexus in water-scarce regions

By Alaba Boluwade. So far, no studies in Oman have attempted to provide quantitative indicators or metrics from the standpoint of the impacts of…

event 30 jul. 2021

Research article //The water-energy-food nexus: A holistic approach for resource security in Iran, Iraq, and Turkey

By Mohanna Zarei. The objective of this paper is to provide an overview of water conflicts in the Middle East region specifically in Iran, Iraq, and…

event 27 jul. 2021

Research article // Evaluation and Scenario Prediction of the Water-Energy-Food System Security in the Yangtze River Economic Belt Based on the RF-Haken Model

By Yan Chen and Lifan Xu. Based on the actual situation of Yangtze River Economic Belt, this paper constructed a water-energy-food evaluation index…

event 01 jul. 2021

Research article // Evaluating the Potential of a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach toward the Sustainable Development of Bangladesh

By Mohammad Nahidul Karim and Bassel Daher. In this study, a Water-Energy-Food system assessment tool was developed to investigate the trade-offs…

event 29 jun. 2021

Podcast // Solar as a Crop: Making the water-energy-food nexus profitable for smallholder farmers in India

This episode of the Power for All podcast features an interview with Shilp Verma, discussing how to make the food, water, and energy nexus profitable…

event 10 may. 2021

Publication // Spatiotemporal Differences and Spatial Convergence of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecology Nexus in Northwest China

By Min Wang, Yi-fei Zhu, Si-wen Gong and Chang-yu Ni. This paper analyzed the dynamic change trend, spatial evolution characteristics, and spatial…

event 17 abr. 2021

Project // Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience in South Asia (SoLAR-SA)

Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience (SoLAR) in South Asia aims to sustainably manage the water-energy and climate interlinkages in South…

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