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191 Recursos
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event 28 mar. 2023

Research Article // Conjunctive Use of Canal Water and Groundwater: An Analysis Based on Farmers’ Practices in Ravangaon, Maharashtra

By Sneha Bhat and colleagues. This article examines what happens when canal water is combined with groundwater by documenting the complex web of…

event 15 mar. 2023

Research Article // A Feminist Analysis of Women Farmers Navigating Groundwater Qualities in Maharashtra, India

By Irene Leonardelli and colleagues. This paper presents the findings of an ethnographic study of a relatively recent irrigation scheme that brings…

event 15 mar. 2023

Research Article // Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Water, Food, and Energy Sectors in Sittaung River Basin, Myanmar

By Uttam Ghimire and colleagues. The Sittaung river basin remains one of the least studied basins of Myanmar in terms of the assessment of the…

event 13 mar. 2023

Research Article // Groundwater market in water-abundant regions: determinants of farmers’ decision to buy irrigation water in Assam in North-East India

By Jitu Tamuli and colleagues. This study was carried out to unearth the factors influencing the water-buying decisions of farmers in the groundwater…

event 08 mar. 2023

Research Article// A framework for sustainable and inclusive irrigation development in Western Nepal

By Anton Urfels and colleagues. Growing water risks threaten to severely derail Nepal’s agricultural development ambitions, requiring substantial…

event 13 feb. 2023

Research Article // Climate change impacts on the water, food and energy sectors in Myanmar’s Sittaung river basin

By Uttam Ghimire and colleagues. The Sittaung river basin (SRB) remains one of the least studied basins of Myanmar in terms of the assessment of the…

event 09 feb. 2023

Research Article // Irrigation Systems Management in Nepal: Women’s Strategies in Response to Migration-Induced Challenges

By Diana Suhardiman and colleagues. This paper illustrates how the interplay between existing gender norms, male migration, remittances, and…

event 02 feb. 2023

Research Article // Hydrological Modelling for Reservoir Operation: Application of SWAT Model for Kalu Ganga Catchment, Sri Lanka

By G. A. T. Madushanka and colleagues. This study used the Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to simulate the hydrology of the Kalu Ganga catchment…

event 26 ene. 2023

Research Article // Water, Energy, and Food Nexus in Pakistan: Parametric and Non-Parametric Analysis

By Majid Ali and colleagues. In this article, three-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used to measure the efficiency level of WEF in the 36…

event 25 ene. 2023

Research Article // Food, Energy, and Water Nexus at Household Level: Do Sustainable Household Consumption Practices Promote Cleaner Environment?

By Pomi Shahbaz and colleagues. This study explored the role of different sustainable household consumption practices in promoting a clean…

event 16 ene. 2023

Research Article // Towards Circulating and Ecological Sphere in Urban Areas: An Indicator-Based Framework for Food-Energy-Water Security Assessment in Nagpur, India

By Bhumika Morey and colleagues. This research aims to create a localized framework based on the principles of the emerging concept of the…

event 12 ene. 2023

Research Article // Energy nexus for grapes production: A case study of Sangli region in India

By Prateek D. Malwe and colleagues. The objective of this research is to conduct a thorough, organized, and comprehensive energy analysis of the…

event 06 ene. 2023

Research Article // The Impacts of Climate Change on the Irrigation Water Demand, Grain Yield, and Biomass Yield of Wheat Crop in Nepal

By Santosh Kaini and colleagues. The Nepalese Sunsari Morang Irrigation district is the lifeblood of millions of people in the Koshi River basin, but…

event 30 dic. 2022

Research Article // Nexus between economic growth, energy use, urbanization, agricultural productivity, and carbon dioxide emissions: New insights from Bangladesh

By Asif Raihan and colleagues. The present study empirically explores the nexus between economic growth, energy use, urbanization, agricultural…

event 28 dic. 2022

Research Article // Production of biogas from food waste in laboratory scale dry anaerobic digester under mesophilic condition

By Mahbub Alam and colleagues. The objective of this study was to manage the food waste generated in Bangladesh University of Professionals by…

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