Conference // 5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability
The conference aims to be a major forum to foster innovation and exchange knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus, embracing the Sustainable…
Event // World Water Week, August 2023
Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the World Water Week 2023 will take place between August 20 and August 24, 2023. The…
Event // 5th Global WOPs Congress: Resilience in challenging times
Every two years, a global conference is held to bring together the global water and sanitation utility community to mobilize collaboration between…
Congress // World Water Congress & Exhibition. Water for smart liveable cities
The International Water Association invites water professionals and organizations to Copenhagen for their 5-day World Water Congress and Exhibition.…
Virtual Conference // Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021
The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW8) and the 6th Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan6) are being jointly organised this year as a…
Conference // The 1st Palestinian-Dutch Conference on Water, sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), and Climate-Smart agriculture (CSA)
The first Palestinian-Dutch international conference is organized within the framework of the OKP-Pal project on Capacity Building in water,…
Online Session // Leapfrogging or treading water? Utilities picking up the pace at the water-energy-food nexus
The Global Water Operators’ Partnerships Alliance - a global network of public operators and their partners - led by UN-Habitat, is holding a free…
Hybrid Symposium // 22nd Symposium on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa
The annual symposia is a platform for water professionals to share advances in research and education related to Integrated Water Resources…
Virtual conference // Caribbean Water and Wastewater Association Conference 2021
This year’s 30th Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place on October, 3-8 2021. With consideration of COVID-19 travel impacts, the Conference…
Conference // 5th Arab Water Forum
The 5th Arab Water Forum is convened by the Arab Water Council under the patronage of The United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Energy and…
Hybrid Symposium // Symposium on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
Increasing water scarcity, growing population, warmer climate - how will these affect the future supply of cities with energy, water and food? How do…
High-level Conference // Water Dialogues for Results
In the Water Dialogues governments, international organisations and policymakers pledge to ensure accelerated and target-oriented action to turn the…
Networking Event // Innovate 4 Water - Lausanne 2021
"Innovate 4 Water" marketplaces bring together key water nexus stakeholders, such as large and small-scale private and public service providers,…
International Workshop // Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: Exchanging Knowledge in Colombia
Intelligent use of waste water in agriculture saves energy, reduce freshwater demand for agricultural uses and simultaneously increase productivity…
Seminar at Singapore International Water Week 2018 // Dealing with the Sanitation Nexus: The Need for Technology Disruption
Conventionally-reticulated sanitation requires high investment costs and substantial access to energy and water to operate its systems. Against the…