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529 Nexus methodology
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52675742648 0afaf01404 o
event 10 mai 2023 location Online

Webinar // The UN 2023 Water Conference: Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development

The Geneva Water Hub is organizing a webinar on the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, which will take place on May 10th, 2023. The webinar will…

Banner Food Energy Water ECCP
event 09 mai 2023 location Online

Capacity Building Webinar // Water- Energy- Food Nexus

Organised by the Africa Europe Water and Energy Network, the virtual capacity building webinar will take place May 9, 2023 and it aims to investigate…

20230116 2
event 23 janv. 2023 location Berlin

9th German-African Agribusiness Forum - The Path to Food Sovereignty – Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture for Africa

The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme will present its project activities as part of a session at the 9th German-African Agribusiness Forum. The…

event 07 nov. 2022 location Online virtual event

Symposium // Water-Energy-Food Nexus symposium of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research

The aim of the symposium is to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research. Well-known keynotes and…

Webinar NG
event 21 sept. 2022

Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talks 4: Towards an integrated water storage diagnostic

The session is being held by the NEXUS Gains – a One CGIAR Initiative that will examine water, energy, food and ecosystem (WEFE) systems in…

Nbs conference
event 05 juil. 2022 07 juil. 2022 location Oxford, UK

Conference // Nature-based Solutions in a Changing Climate 2022

This conference is bringing together leading researchers from the social and natural sciences, engineering and economics with policymakers, civil…

Event ES
event 01 juin 2022

Serie de Diálogos Regionales Nexo Seminario // Iniciativa Nexo aqua - energía - alimentatción para la planificatión territorial

El evento se centrará en la planificación territorial desde una perspectiva Nexus y contará con ponentes de Argentina, Chile, Uruguay y Brasil, cada…

Irrigation system South Africa ID 86574340 Martin Maritz
event 02 mai 2022 05 mai 2022 location FAO Headquarters, Rome

Conference // Global Symposium on Soil Fertility

International science-policy meeting to be held at FAO headquarters in May 2022. Co-organized by FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the…

event 21 avr. 2022

Webinar // 2nd Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows and Water-Food-Energy-Ecology Nexus

The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research is hosting the Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows…

Vrouwen op markt AUSAID SOUTH AFRICA Flickr CC web
event 07 avr. 2022

Stakeholder Session // Water-Energy-Food Nexus research in Southern Africa

An online kick-off workshop will take place on April 7 2022 for all selected research project consortia and external stakeholders. Project partners…

FK1gj8t WYAA Rywl
event 09 févr. 2022

Webinar // WEF Nexus approach and scientific writing

This is the first event in a series of webinars on water-energy-food and health Nexus in the context of climate change in Central Asia. This event…

Prima infoday
event 07 févr. 2022 08 févr. 2022

Workshop // PRIMA Journée d'information et formation pour les pays francophones

Les pays du Maghreb, le Liban et la France, en coordination avec la Fondation PRIMA ont le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à un workshop dédié à…

Irrigation system South Africa ID 86574340 Martin Maritz lowsize
event 03 févr. 2022

Virtual Matchmaking Event // Research Initiatives Cooperation South Africa – the Netherlands: Integrating Health Approaches and WEF-Nexus

The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and NWO launched a third call for proposals, entitled ‘Integrating Health Approaches and…

Invitation sharepic PRIMA workshop
event 06 déc. 2021 08 déc. 2021

Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice

Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you…

event 29 nov. 2021

Webinar // Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region

On November 29, AMWAJ is hosting a webinar exploring the interlinkages between water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) with regards to…

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