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546 Nexus methodology
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event 07 févr. 2022 08 févr. 2022

Workshop // PRIMA Journée d'information et formation pour les pays francophones

Les pays du Maghreb, le Liban et la France, en coordination avec la Fondation PRIMA ont le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à un workshop dédié à…

Irrigation system South Africa ID 86574340 Martin Maritz lowsize
event 03 févr. 2022

Virtual Matchmaking Event // Research Initiatives Cooperation South Africa – the Netherlands: Integrating Health Approaches and WEF-Nexus

The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and NWO launched a third call for proposals, entitled ‘Integrating Health Approaches and…

Invitation sharepic PRIMA workshop
event 06 déc. 2021 08 déc. 2021

Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice

Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you…

event 29 nov. 2021

Webinar // Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region

On November 29, AMWAJ is hosting a webinar exploring the interlinkages between water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) with regards to…

Olive fields morocco
event 24 nov. 2021 location Morocco

Webinar // Side Event: Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This webinar is taking place at the 5th African Regional Conference for…

event 16 nov. 2021

Webinar // Sustainable electricity production by integrated food, energy and water systems: opportunities and challenges

This webinar series is organized by FAO & WEF Nexus in Africa Initiative, WE4F, GIZ Nexus Dialogues, and SEI. The third session of the 2nd Round of…

Climate Change and Sustainability Policy Dialogues
event 02 sept. 2021

Online workshop // Second workshop on climate change and sustainable energy

The Research and Innovation partnership Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the African Union-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science,…

FAO nexus webinar series
event 17 juin 2021

Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 10 - Supporting WEF Nexus research and innovation in the EU-MPC region

This tenth session of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus webinar series presents perspectives on research and innovation from two projects applying the WEF…

Addressing Covid Building back better
event 15 juin 2021

Webinar // Regional Nexus Approaches to Building Back Better

The dialogue "Regional Nexus Approaches to Building Back Better" presents case studies on “Regional Acceleration of Climate Action and…

Webinar In the Wake of a Changing Climate Flyer
event 15 juin 2021

Webinar // In the Wake of a Changing Climate - The Resource Challenge in Southeast Asia

A collaboration between NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions and the HEAD Foundation, In the Wake of a Changing Climate is a four-part panel…

FAO nexus webinar series
event 08 juin 2021

Webinar // FAO Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series Session 9 - Selected experiences with WEF Nexus decision-making: an application in Jordan

This webinar series is organized by the FAO in collaboration with the Stockholm Environment Institute and KTH Royal Institute of Technology in…

Open innovation as opportunity for wefnexus
event 02 juin 2021

Webinar // Open Innovation as an opportunity for the energy-water nexus

The use of Open Innovation (OI) strategies can provide a step ahead and bring Europe to the forefront of energy-water nexus solutions. The OI…

Oluwakemi solaja ZN52 ZB Fkw4 Y unsplash
event 07 mars 2021 12 mars 2021

Virtual Summer School // Analysing Transformative Processes for the Management of the WEF nexus and the Advancement of the SDGs in Sub-Saharan Africa

Young researchers based in or originating from sub-Saharan Africa together with young researchers from Germany are invited to apply for this virtual…

Webinare bei ATBWATER 002
event 26 janv. 2021

Webinar // Water – Energy – Food Security Nexus an approach for a regenerative Economy?

This seminar is hosted by ATB WATER GmbH, a German leading producer and supplier in the field of decentralised and semi-central wastewater treatment…

EUGCC the network is funded by
event 08 déc. 2020

Webinar // The Water-Energy- Food (WEF) Nexus in the GCC and EU regions; Challenges and opportunities

The EU-GCC Clean Energy Technology Network (EU GCC CETN) and the Gulf Cooperation Council Secretariat General (GCC SG) are organizing an online…

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