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516 Energy
7 de 35 páginas
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Water for food daugherty
event 12 nov. 2020

Webinar // Innovations in Irrigation - 2020 Water for Food Global Webinar Series

The Irrigation Innovation Consortium (IIC) is a collaborative research effort to accelerate the development and adoption of water and energy…

Sharon moy vmg SO Zj Bp Dw unsplash
event 03 nov. 2020 location Online

Online Seminar // FutureDAMS: River basins and energy systems – what synergies are possible, and how can they be discovered?

Within their webinar series "New approaches and tools for water-energy-food-environment security", FutureDAMS hosts a webinar on the topic "River…

Ecotrailer 11
event 19 oct. 2020 location Online

Online Event // Capacity-building Workshop on Sustainable Renewable Energy Investment and Deployment

The UNECE provides a peer-learning dialogue on the Water-Energy Nexus with a focus on the Caucasus, Central Asia and Eastern and South Eastern…

Ihe delft
event 24 feb. 2020

Nexus Workshop // IHE Delft Sustainable Hydropower Workshop 2020

IHE Delft is organizing an exciting workshop asking the question: Can hydropower be sustainable? It will take place on the 28th and 29th of April…

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event 01 sept. 2019 06 sept. 2019

Special Session at 38th IAHR World Congress // Sustainable Water Storage to Meet Water, Food, and Energy Development Goals

Storage to stabilize water availability is essential to sustain water, food and energy production, reduce hazards, and adapt to climate change.…

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event 07 abr. 2019 12 abr. 2019

Session at EGU General Assembly 2019 // Sustainable Water Storage for Food and Energy Production

Superficial water storage is essential to sustain and stabilize water supply, food and energy production, reduce hydro-climatological hazards, and…

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event 07 abr. 2019 12 abr. 2019

Session at EGU General Assembly 2019 // Hydropower and Other Renewable Energy Sources: Integration and Planning amid the Water-Energy Nexus

The transition to a low-carbon economy and programs of nuclear power phase-out will require the development of innovative methods to integrate…

Logo africa2019 hydropower and water storage
event 02 abr. 2019 04 abr. 2019

Conference // Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa

The connection of energy and water is most obvious in electricity generation through hydropower. Plus dams have an important impact on the…

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event 30 mar. 2023

Research Article // Overcoming Resource Nexus Conflicts With a Normative-Institutional Approach: A Case Study of Brazil

By Priscila Carvalho and Catalina Spataru. This study proposes a normative-institutional approach to assess the Water-Energy Nexus that offers a…

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event 13 jun. 2023

Research Article // Water, energy and environment in Eurasia

By Oktay.F. Tanrisever and Halil Burak Sakal. This book highlights the analytical benefits of employing the nexus approach in studying the complex…

event 12 jul. 2023

Dialogue Nexus Bassin du Niger // Levée de fonds : un tête-à-tête entre des startups prometteuses et des investisseurs d’impacts

Du 22 au 24 mai 2023, des rencontres d’affaires et des mises en relation entre des startups d’impact et des investisseurs sensibles au Nexus…

GEBAL greenhouse
event 28 jul. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // Working towards a Nexus Farming Loan Product for climate smart farming in Egypt!

The Nexus Farm Initiatives takes a major step closer to making Nexus farming a reality for farmers in Egypt.

event 21 jun. 2022


ТАДЖИКИСТАН, ДУШАНБЕ – Сегодня прошло третье заседание Технической рабочей группы по реализации демонстрационного проекта в Республике Таджикистан в…

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event 26 sept. 2018

Biofuels and Implications for Agricultural Water Use // Blue Impacts of Green Energy

By Charlotte de Fraiture, Mark Giordano and Yongsong Liao. This paper explores the land and water implications of increased biofuel production…

Cover policy brief energy security in ethiopia
event 07 may. 2018

Water-Energy Nexus // Energy Resource Use Options for Improved Energy Security in Ethiopia

By Hiroshan Hettiarachchi, UNU-FLORES. Ethiopia’s energy sector faces critical challenges to meet a steadily increasing energy demand. This is due to…

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