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La Plataforma de Recursos Nexo está sujeta a un continuo desarrollo estratégico y técnico.
Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Final Products
After six years of diligent implementation, the conclusion of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, was successfully achieved in June 2023.…
Publication // National Study on the nexus between migration, environment and climate change in Niger.
This baseline study aims to generate empirical data that will contribute to strengthening the knowledge and capacity of governmental and…
Publication // Étude nationale sur le lien entre Migration, Environnement et Changement Climatique au Niger.
Cette étude de base, vise à générer des données empiriques permettant de contribuer au renforcement des connaissances et des capacités des acteurs…
Africa Knowledge Platform // Interactive Story: Water, Energy, Food, Ecosystems: a delicate balance
The interactive story 'WEFE: a delicate balance' is now available on the Africa Knowledge Platform, run by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the…
Profil Nexus // Bassin du Niger
Le bassin du fleuve Niger en Afrique de l’Ouest et Centre Afrique couvre une superficie totale de 2,13 millions de km² et plus de 130 millions de…
Nexus Profile // Niger Basin
The Niger River Basin (NRB) in West and Central Africa covers a total area of 2.13 million km2 and its active basin is home to over 130 million…
Nexus Country Profile // Peru
Peru is located from 0°S to 18°S in western South America; it borders Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the…
Nexus Country Profile // Tunisia
Tunisia is located from 30°N to 37°N in northern Africa; it shares borders with Algeria to the west and Libya to the east. The Mediterranean Sea lies…
Nexus Country Profile // Sudan
Sudan is located from 9°N to 22°N in north-eastern Africa; it shares borders with Egypt, Libya, Chad, Central African Republic, South Sudan, Ethiopia…
Nexus Country Profiles for the Niger Basin
The country profiles are developed in the frame of the Nexus Dialogue Programme, jointly funded by the European Union and the Federal Ministry for…
Profil de pays Nexus // Tchad
Le Tchad, qui compte parmi les pays producteurs de pétrole depuis 2003, est devenu dépendant de cette ressource. Son économie qui, auparavant…
Profil de pays Nexus // Cameroun
Le Cameroun est un pays richement doté en ressources naturelles (pétrole et gaz, bois précieux et minerais) et agricoles (café, coton, cacao, maïs et…
Profil de pays Nexus // Niger
Assurer l’accès à l’eau dans un pays semi-désertique comme le Niger est un grand défi. La baisse progressive des rendements agricoles et le faible…
Profil de pays Nexus // Guinée
La croissance économique en Guinée s’est établi à 6.7 % en 2017 et repose principalement sur la hausse de la production minière – bauxite en…
Nexus Country Profile // Nigeria
A key regional player in West Africa, with approximately 184 million inhabitants, Nigeria has experienced a moderate growth driven by the continued…
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