FREXUS project // Cooperation in the Lake Chad Basin between the Frexus project and the Lake Chad Basin Commission
Workshop with the executives of the Lake Chad Basin Commission on the LCBC-GIZ collaboration framework for the implementation of the Frexus project…
White Paper // Impact Investing for Water - Innovative Finance for Scaling-up “Water, Sanitation and Hygiene” (WASH) Market-based Solutions
This white paper by Waterpreneurs aims at being a tool for: Impact investors who want to improve their understanding of the current state of the…
Research Article // Investment priorities for research and innovation in urban agri-food systems: Toward more resilient cities in the Global South
By Gordon Prain and colleagues. Urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) is widely distributed throughout the Global South. Despite urban population…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // European Union promotes Nexus approach to facilitate green investments in Central Asia.
On February 22nd, the 7th EU and Central Asia High Level Conference took place in Rome, Italy, where experts from both regions discussed – in a side…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Lesotho calls for the incorporation of the WEF Nexus Agenda into national planning
Stakeholders in Lesotho have called for the incorporation of the WEF Nexus Agenda into the country's five-year National Strategic Development Plan…
News // First Multi-Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on the WEFE Nexus in Lebanon
Participants in the 1st Multi-Stakeholders Consultation Meeting on the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus organised on the framework of the…
Le Forum Fragilité Biennal // Risques combinés de la fragilité et du changement climatique
Le Forum Fragilité de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu du 7 au 15 mars 2022 autour d'un thème central orienté vers " le développement et la paix en temps…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // EU supports regional cooperation on water-energy-food security in Central Asia
CENTRAL ASIA – The Regional Steering Committee of the EU-funded project “Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia” (“Nexus project”) discussed the project’s…
COP 27 // Side Event on “Nexus Solutions for climate resilient water-energy-food-Environment security” shows importance of the Nexus approach for climate change
The COP27 took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, holding a side event on November 14th on: “Nexus solutions for climate-resilient water, energy, food…
Synthesis Report // Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus: A synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins
By UNECE. The purpose of this publication is to support governments and other public and private actors in designing and implementing nexus solutions…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Европейский союз продвигает подход нексус для содействия зеленым инвестициям в центральной азии
22 февраля в Риме, Италия, состоялась 7-я Конференция высокого уровня ЕС и Центральной Азии, на которой эксперты из обоих регионов обсудили на…
ЦЕНТРАЛЬНАЯ АЗИЯ – Сегодня Региональный координационный комитет проекта Европейского Союза (ЕС) «Нексус Диалог в Центральной Азии» ("Проект Нексус")…
Policy brief // Enhanced water security and energy access: Key investments for Sub Saharan Africa
By C. Ringler, A. M. Alqarawy, W. Brent, G. Collins, P. Orengoh, B. Scanlon, L. Yaseen. The Think20 task force on Sustainable Energy, Food, and…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Workshop: Towards WEFE Nexus bankability - Integrity readiness to improve cross-sector performance and attract investment
A virtual workshop was held on the 28th of September and conducted within the framework of the initiative "Identifying Integrity Risks and Developing…
Research Article // Financial feasibility of developing solar irrigation in Mali
By Hua Xie and Claudia Ringler. This study finds that solar-powered groundwater irrigation is a financially viable energy solution across most…