SWWW 2018 Outcomes // Creating Peace through the Water-Energy-Food and Security Nexus Perspective
In many regions, dwindling water and land resources endanger the livelihoods of the population. Often, poor land and water governance and management…
COP27 // RES4Africa Foundation and the RCREEE discussed approaches to uptake the Water-Energy-Food Nexus solutions in Africa during COP27
14th November 2022, Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt - RES4Africa Foundation in collaboration with the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Network of academic societies members took part in the Nexus game in Dushanbe
On the 17th of May, the 5th Central Asia Climate Change Conference (CACCC-2023) held a Nexus Game with the participation of the Network of Academic…
Frexus // Les Organismes Régionaux de Bassins au centre des Réflexions
En Juin 2022, a eu lieu le premier atelier d’échanges entre organismes de bassins autour de la gestion pacifique des ressources naturelles entre…
COP 27 // Side Event on “Nexus Solutions for climate resilient water-energy-food-Environment security” shows importance of the Nexus approach for climate change
The COP27 took place in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, holding a side event on November 14th on: “Nexus solutions for climate-resilient water, energy, food…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Investing in multisectoral projects in Central Asia: challenges and opportunities
By Aksulu Kushanova and Lyudmila Kiktenko. The 7th EU-Central Asia High-Level Conference on Environment and Water Cooperation took place in Rome,…
Nexus Dialogue in the Niger Basin and Frexus Project // A three-day regional workshop in Niamey, Niger
A regional conference on the Niger Basin has begun, taking place in Niamey, Niger. The three-day conference covers the closing of the Nexus Regional…
Nexus Blog // From risks to returns: The WEF Nexus at World Water Week 2021
How can funding for integrated natural resources projects be leveraged? And can the WEF Nexus approach facilitate access to much-needed investment in…
WWF8 Session Report // Reflections and Discussions on the WEF-Nexus at the WWF8 from a Latin American Perspective
By Isabel Pasternack, Susanne Schmeier and Reinaldo Penailillo. President Michel Temer highlighted in his inauguration speech, the importance of the…
The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // Roadmap on integrated water resources management of Lake Kivu along the city of Goma
By Manassé Lwimo. The Lake Kivu and Rusizi/Ruzizi River Basin Authority (ABAKIR), with the technical support of GIZ and in partnership with the Mayor…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Команда проекта нексус приняла участие в фестивале дня европы
6 мая команда Nexus Regional Dialogue из Центральной Азии приняла участие в фестивале «День Европы» в Ташкенте вместе с 35 другими проектами,…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Recognition of the Role of CAREC in promoting the Nexus approach in Central Asia: Opinion of an international expert
Mariana Rodriguez, Head of the Global Nexus Secretariat team in Bonn, confirmed that CAREC's Nexus initiatives in Central Asia have also been adopted…
SWWW 2018 Outcomes // Understanding the Forest-Water Nexus: Redefining the Narrative?
This event discussed the prevailing narratives surrounding forests and water: the myths, the complex truths and the implications our understanding…
Dialogue Nexus Bassin du Niger et Projet Frexus // Un atelier régional de trois jours à Niamey, Niger
Une conférence régionale sur le bassin du Niger a commencé, se tenant à Niamey, au Niger. La conférence de trois jours couvre la clôture du Programme…
Programa Diálogo Regional Nexo para América Latina y el Caribe // Diálogo Nexo: Unidos para afrontar crisis hídrica, energética y alimentaria
Este 23 de agosto, los principales actores del sector hídrico se reunieron en el evento Diálogo Nexo “Agua-Energía-Alimentación”, organizado por…