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79 Mitigation
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1 s2 0 S2666049021000840 gr2 lrg
event 26 abr. 2022

Research Article // Exorcising Malthusian ghosts: Vaccinating the Nexus to advance integrated water, energy and food resource resilience

By Paul S. Kempa, Michele Acutob, Shaun Larcomc, Darren Lumbrosod, Markus R .Owene. This paper explored the nature of Nexus interactions, such as…

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event 02 dic. 2022

Report // The State of Food and Agriculture 2022: Leveraging agricultural automation for transforming agrifood systems

Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The State of Food and Agriculture 2022 looks into the drivers of…

IMG 20230606 WA0053
event 11 jul. 2023

Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 12: Moonsoftbio, between ethics and social responsibility

As a beneficiary of the WEF-Nexus Acceleration Programme, Moonsoftbio receives support on technical and managerial aspects covering the optimisation…

Nexus gains project
event 27 ene. 2022

Project // Nexus Gains: Realizing Multiple Benefits Across Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems

This CGIAR initiative aims to realize gains across water, energy, food, forests, and biodiversity systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa…

event 22 may. 2023

LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme // Article Series No. 4 : AiGROU wins Latam4WEF as top youth innovator for water, energy, and food security solutions

In a recent announcement, AiGROU was declared the winner of the Latam4WEF Innovation Lab, which focused on solutions related to water, energy and…

1 s2 0 S2589811623000058 gr1 lrg
event 16 jun. 2023

Research Article // Learning from past coevolutionary processes to envision sustainable futures: Extending an action situations approach to the Water-Energy-Food nexus

By Elke Kellner and Dominic A.Martin. The proposed solution-oriented, transformative approach goes beyond existing frameworks by analysing past…

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event 11 ene. 2023

Research Article // Small-Scale Solar-Powered Desalination Plants: A Sustainable Alternative Water-Energy Nexus to Obtain Water for Chile’s Coastal Areas

By Lorena Cornejo-Ponce and colleagues. The natural potential of Chile make the implementation of small-scale reverse osmosis desalination plants…

IMG 20230609 WA0005
event 10 jul. 2023

Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°11 : Un biodigesteur intelligent pour répondre aux défis liés à la prolifération des déchets ménagers et agricoles

Avec la forte croissance démographique, le continent africain est confronté à de nombreux défis tels que le manque d’énergie, la déforestation, la…

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event 17 ene. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Malawi WEF Nexus Dialogues discusses the role of the WEF nexus approach in advancing socio- economic development

On 20 December 2021, the Malawi Ministry of Forestry and Natural Resources, in collaboration with the Southern African Development Community (SADC)…

event 31 may. 2023

Projet Frexus // Campagne de sensibilisation à la prévention des conflits liés aux ressources naturelles : Rupture collective du jeûne du Ramadan et désescalade des conflits

En collaboration avec des ONG locales, le projet Frexus a organisé des événements collectifs d'Iftar du Ramadan et une campagne de sensibilisation…

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event 09 jun. 2021

Blog // Interview with first-ever NL Regional Envoy for Water & Energy Security in MENA

Tessa Terpstra is a Deputy Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, currently dealing with protocol and host country affairs. She has over 15…

IMG 20230603 WA0131
event 04 jul. 2023

Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°7: Agro-Eco Services, vers une offre de plus en plus concurrentielle

Après son intégration au programme d’accélération des startups Nexus Eau-Energie-Sécurité alimentaire (EESA), Agro-Eco Services se lance dans…

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event 20 abr. 2022

Le Dialogue Régional Nexus // Une approche intersectorielle. Résoudre la problématique Nexus EESA au 9ème Forum mondial de l'eau

Sous la devise "La sécurité de l'eau pour la paix et le développement", le 9ème Forum mondial de l'eau s'est tenu cette année du 21 au 25 mars 2022 à…

20230125 1
event 25 ene. 2023

Research Article // Food, Energy, and Water Nexus at Household Level: Do Sustainable Household Consumption Practices Promote Cleaner Environment?

By Pomi Shahbaz and colleagues. This study explored the role of different sustainable household consumption practices in promoting a clean…

IMG 20230609 WA0005
event 10 jul. 2023

Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 11: An intelligent biodigester to meet the challenges posed by the proliferation of household and agricultural waste

With its fast-growing population, the African continent faces a number of challenges, including energy scarcity, deforestation, waste proliferation…

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