Cities/urban Nexus
Publication // Role of Smart Cities in Optimizing Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Opportunities in Nagpur, India
By Vibhas Sukhwani, Rajib Shaw, Sameer Deshkar, Bijon Kumer Mitra and Wanglin Yan. This study aims to highlight the role of Smart Cities in enhancing…
Sustainable Development Goals // GIZ Urban Nexus and Mongolian National Development Agency Sign Memorandum of Understanding
By Ruth Erlbeck and Ralph Trosse. On July 3rd 2018 the “Integrated Resource Management in Asian cities: the Urban Nexus project" signed a Memorandum…
Training Slides // Urban Nexus in the MENA Region
The Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme MENA and its partners conducted a training on the Urban Nexus in Feburary. Now, the training material is…
Integrated Resource Management // The Urban Nexus in Asian Cities
In the framework of the project up to ten selected cities in six Asian countries will be supported with a view to nexuscompliant integrated resource…
Research Article // Coupling Coordination and Spatial-Temporal Evolution of Water-Land-Food Nexus: A Case Study of Hebei Province at a County-Level
By Wenzhe Luo and colleagues. The researchers chose 26 indicators to build a Water-Land-Food nexus evaluation index system. The authors used the…
Nexus Regional Dialogue LAC // Government entities in Chile participate in a Nexus simulation and build bridges across institutions.
On May 16, representatives from several Chilean governmental institutions built a new collaborative relationship by tackling the security challenges…
Research Article // The sustainability of desalination as a remedy to the water crisis in the agriculture sector: An analysis from the climate-water-energy-food nexus perspective
By Babak Zolghadr-Asli and colleagues. Desalination is important for water management in coastal regions. It can be used for agriculture, but has…
Urban Nexus // Student Exchange Program on the Urban Nexus Approach in Housing Design
By Ruth Erlbeck, Ralph Trosse, Rashane Sala-Ngarm (GIZ Project Integrated Resource Management in Asian cites: the Urban Nexus). This article…
Case Study // Waste Management in Danang, Vietnam
By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study analyses the feasibility of viable solutions for an environmentally friendly and future-proof…
Urban Nexus // Operationalizing the Urban Nexus: Increasing the Productivity of Cities and Urbanized Nations
By Kathrine Brekke and Jeb Brugmann. In 2014, GIZ and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability published a report, Operationalizing the Urban…
Research Article // Feasibility of energy generation with biogas at the household level: assessing the impact of anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and food waste taking a Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus approach
By Gabriel Hernandez-Robles & Daphne Gondhalekar. In this paper, the effects of anaerobic co-digestion at household level with waste activated sludge…
Research Article // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Beyond “Technical Quick Fix”: The Case of Hydro-Development in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia
By Detlef Müller-Mahn and colleagues. The paper calls for a broadening of WEF nexus perspectives in order to better acknowledge the social complexity…
23 Октября 2020 года будет проходить Первая Национальная Консультативная встреча в Кыргызской Республике в рамках Проекта Европейского Союза «Нексус…
Research Article // Assessing the Nexus on Local Perspective: A Quali-Quantitative Framework for Water-Energy-Food Security Evaluation in Neglected Territories
By Rita de Cássia Santos de Souza, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, Michelle Bonatti & Stefan Sieber. This study presents a case study about a typical…
Special Issue // Rethinking the Urban Nexus
Introduction by Patience Mguni & Bas J.M. van Vliet. This Special Issue of the Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences brings together three…