event 13 jul. 2023

Research Article // Financing the Water Energy and Food Nexus

By Jean-Baptiste Decoppet and colleagues. This analysis aims at shedding light on the multifaceted universe of financing mechanisms available, with a particular focus on two geographic areas: the Niger Basin region and the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA).

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In the near future, expanding populations and economies in Africa and the Middle East will add stress on the current infrastructure and supply systems of countries, leading to a surge in demand for essential resources such as water, food and energy. It is estimated that by 2030 Africa’s water consumption will increase by 283% compared to 2005 levels, food demand by 60% compared to 2015 levels, and electricity demand by 70% compared to 2016 levels. One of the biggest challenges of this era will be to enable growth while decoupling it from the use of natural resources. In this sense, the synergy among the water, energy and food sectors appears pivotal to guaranteeing sustainable and just development. The Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus approach addresses this complex issue by promoting an integrated perspective to foster multi-sectoral cooperation at project, policy and institution levels.


February 2023


RES4Africa Foundation


Decoppet, J-B., Guzzo, D., Traini, L., (2023). Financing the Water Energy and Food Nexus. A comprehensive review of Financing Mechanisms for the WEF Nexus. Res4Africa Foundation.


Financing the Water Energy and Food Nexus

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