Water managers are challenged to meet the increased demand for water and wastewater services of a growing population, coupled with reduced water availability and the rising pressure to reduce costs, energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Water management and efficiency strategies that optimize the use of water resources, and substantially reduce GHG emissions, are a key requirement to ensure Jordan’s water security in future years.
WaCCliM in Jordan
WaCCliM is supporting the work of Miyahuna-Madaba, a pilot utility in Jordan that is implementing energy and greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures in cooperation with the Jordan Water Authority (WAJ) and the Ministry of Water and Irrigation.
The Miyahuna-Madaba utility serves a population of 190,000 inhabitants, 98% of whom are connected to the water supply, and 65% have wastewater collection coverage. The utility reuses 100% of the treated wastewater for fodder production.
As part of the WaCCliM project, starting in January 2017 the utility is assessing its carbon footprint, the potential for emission reduction and developing an action plan that the utility can implement to improve its carbon footprint and operational efficiency.
More Information
WaCClim website
About WaCClim
The water sector is increasingly being impacted by climate change. It also contributes more than 5 percent of global carbon emissions from its energy consumption, direct emissions of greenhouse gases such as methane and nitrous oxide from wastewater systems, and water heating from end users. Water loss in distribution networks and higher than necessary energy consumption are contributing factors.
WaCCliM (the Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Change) is working with pilot water utilities in four countries, developing a road map to guide them towards energy and carbon neutrality.