Past Events
Hybrid Event // Ninth Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the Water Convention
The 9th session of the Meeting of the Parties (MOP9) to the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes is organised by the…
Online conference // Food Systems for New Realities - Agri4D 2021
To progress towards sustainable and just food systems, Agri4D will bring together researchers, policymakers and practitioners to engage actively with the challenges of food…
Virtual conference // Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021
The Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2021 will take place virtually. It will bring together leading figures from governments, international organisations, the…
Digital Conference // WEFE Nexus Science Advances
Due to the coronavirus crisis, the WEFE Nexus Science Advances Conference was postponed again, to September 2021. The Conference will be held entirely online, with successive…
Virtual event // UN Food Systems Summit
The United Nations Food Systems Summit will be a completely virtual event during the UN General Assembly High-level week. Through this people’s summit, the UN will reaffirm…
Virtual Forum // World Humanitarian Forum
Convened by the World Humanitarian Forum (WHF), the 2021 Forum will provide an invaluable opportunity for humanitarian leaders to join Heads of State, UN Principles and…
Conference // 5th Arab Water Forum
The 5th Arab Water Forum is convened by the Arab Water Council under the patronage of The United Arab Emirates’ Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure, supported by The League…
Conference // 9th Annual International Conference on Sustainable Development (ICSD)
The Global Association of Master’s in Development Practice Programs (MDP), in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), will hold the Ninth…
Webinar // Securing our Food for Tomorrow - In the Wake of a Changing Climate
In the final webinar of the series organized by The Head Foundation and NUS Centre for Nature-based Climate Solutions, panellists will explore the food dimension of the WEF…
Hybrid Symposium // Symposium on the Food-Water-Energy Nexus
Increasing water scarcity, growing population, warmer climate - how will these affect the future supply of cities with energy, water and food? How do we set the course today…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Webinar Series 2nd Round // Disaster resilience and risk in the context on Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Insights from Africa
The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a useful framework for addressing complex transdisciplinary natural resource and environmental challenges in integrated, innovative ways.…
Webinar // FAO Water Tenure Mondays: Equal but distinct: The fate of customary water rights in South Africa
The Water Tenure Mondays resume on 13 September with: "Equal but distinct: The fate of customary water rights in South Africa” by Dr Tumai Murombo, Professor of Law,…
Online workshop // Second workshop on climate change and sustainable energy
The Research and Innovation partnership Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the African Union-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science, Technology and Innovation…
Online Training Series // Innovative Governance of Food-Water-Energy Nexus in Cities
The Understanding Innovative Governance for Food, Water, and Energy Nexus in Cities (IFWEN) project has been developing innovative governance tools to support cities to adopt…
Stockholm World Water Week session // From forecast to prevention – acting on resource-related conflict risks
This event asks how national and international policy makers can take effective actions to prevent conflicts relating to water, food and energy insecurity. It focuses on how…