Past Events
Symposium on Knowledge and Capacity for the Water Sector
The 7th International Symposium on Knowledge and Capacity for the Water Sector will bring together sector organizations, knowledge institutes and policy makers to explore the…
Conference // 5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability
The conference aims to be a major forum to foster innovation and exchange knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus, embracing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the…
Symposium // Global FEWture Alliance Second Annual Symposium
The Global FEWture Alliance advances systems-based interdisciplinary research-to-action, community-driven capacity building, and experiential education to effect positive…
Conference // Dresden Nexus Conference
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) will take place in Dresden from 8-10 April 2025, under the theme: "The Future of Resources – Resources of the Future." Since its…
Conference // CGIAR Science Week
CGIAR and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) are convening the world’s leading scientists and decision-makers at the intersection of…
Conference // Water Energy Nexus Conference
The 5th WaterEnergyNEXUS Conference will leverage an international platform to facilitate the exchange of critical insights into sustainable development goals. Participants…
Conference // WEFE Nexus International Conference
The WEFE NEXUS International Conference, under the theme “Exploring and Bridging Nexus for a Sustainable Future,” will take place on February 11-12, 2025, at the Institut…
Workshop // GoNexus Winter School
The GoNexus Winter School aims to introduce participants to advanced modelling strategies for the WEFE (Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems) nexus within the GoNexus project…
Webinar // Nexus Gains Webinar 29: Water in a Heated World
This CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains webinar will explore the critical interplay between climate change and water resources. It will look at the impacts of climate change on…
COP 29// Climate-informed transboundary water management as a tool for achieving progress within UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience
COP29 Side Event: "Climate-informed transboundary water management as a tool for achieving progress within UAE Framework for Global Climate Resilience". The session aims to…
Webinar // Crafting combinations to govern groundwater: Knowledge, motivation, and agency
Effective groundwater governance requires that key stakeholders have combinations of knowledge, motivation, and agency to act together effectively. This CGIAR Initiative on…
Workshop // Self-sufficiency as a driver for sustainability in urban territories
The two-half days conference, 7-8 November 2024, under the CitySelfy research project, will bring together invited speakers to share a comprehensive understanding of the…
Webinar // How to design a transboundary multistakeholder platform (MSP): The Incomati experience in Southern Africa
The CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains webinar "How to design a transboundary multistakeholder platform (MSP): The Incomati experience in Southern Africa" will review…
Workshop // Nexus Implementation: Potential and Opportunities
UNU-FLORES is organising a two day workshop 5-6 November 2024 during which researchers and practitioners will enhance skills in applying case studies to Nexus research,…
Webinar // Policy Strategies for Scaling Up Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS) to Enhance Productivity and Resilience of Farmers
This series of webinars are in the framework of the Sun4Water project promoting Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems (SPIS). With two sessions in English and two in French,…