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Региональный экологический центр Центральной Азии (РЭЦЦА), Проект Европейского Союза «Нексус диалог в ЦА» и Региональный проект USAID по водным…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'articles n° 2 : Présentation des participants
Suite au bootcamp de start-ups Nexus EESA qui a eu lieu en juin, les 5 finalistes entrent maintenant dans le programme d'accélération de 9 mois.…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No.2: Meet the participants
Following the WEF Nexus start-up bootcamp that took place in June, the 5 finalists are now entering the 9-month acceleration programme. Learn more…
Frexus // Les Organismes Régionaux de Bassins au centre des Réflexions
En Juin 2022, a eu lieu le premier atelier d’échanges entre organismes de bassins autour de la gestion pacifique des ressources naturelles entre…
Frexus at Stockholm WWW 2022 // Improving security and climate resilience with participatory processes
This year’s Stockholm World Water Week is centred around the topic of “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. The Frexus session explored how local…
Frexus Project // Atelier de validation de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits
Un atelier de validation du rapport de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits dans certaines zones du Delta du Niger en dressant…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // WEF Nexus and Urban Resilience in the MENA Region
The Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS), on behalf of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in MENA, organized two dialogue events in Tunisia…
News // WEF-CAP presents its metacluster in water-energy-food for technological transfer in its first newsletter
WEF-CAP issued its first newsletter, focusing on the Topic: The Technology Transfer and Capitalization of Water Energy Food Nexus.
News // Towards a cross-sectoral roadmap to improve cooperation in the management of natural resources in the Drina River Basin
The 3rd and final meeting of the Steering Committee for Nexus activities in the Drina River basin was held on May 4, 2022. On this occation, the…
Nexus Blog // Exploring the water, energy, food, and ecosystems nexus in the Ganges Basin
By Aakriti Maya Aryal (IWMI-Consultant). This article presents six key takeaways from the official launch event “NEXUS Gains: Realizing Multiple…
Nexus Blog // From Torrents to Trickles: The Future of Irrigation?
By Claudia Ringler. Globally, irrigation has contributed to increased food production, lower food prices, higher rural employment and overall…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Madagascar Government commits to leading Change for Investments in Water, Energy and Food Sectors
The Government of Madagascar says it is committed to ensuring that the Ministries of Water, Agriculture, and Energy are collaborating with various…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // WEF Nexus Dialogues held in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar and the Seychelles
Four Nexus Dialogues have successfully been organised under the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) WEF Nexus Regional Dialogue Project…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in the Niger Basin // Water resource management of the Lagdo hydroelectric dam in Garoua, Cameroon.
Access to natural resources and healthy ecosystems is essential for human wellbeing, dignity and sustainable livelihoods. The Lagdo hydroelectric dam…
Le Forum Fragilité Biennal // Risques combinés de la fragilité et du changement climatique
Le Forum Fragilité de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu du 7 au 15 mars 2022 autour d'un thème central orienté vers " le développement et la paix en temps…
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