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335 News
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event 07 Apr 2022

Biennial Fragility Forum // Compound Risks of Fragility and Climate Change

The World Bank’s Fragility Forum took place from 7-15 March 2022 with a central theme geared towards “Development and Peace in Uncertain Times”. This…

event 23 Mar 2022

Le projet du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi// Le centre aérospatial allemand présente les résultats de leur évaluation sur le risque d'érosion dans le bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi.

Cet article met en évidence les résultats de l'étude menée par le Centre Aérospatial Allemand (DLR) sur les risques d'érosion calculés à partir des…

event 22 Mar 2022

The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project// German Aerospace Centre presents results from their assessment of erosion risk in the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River basin. 

This article highlights the findings of the study conducted by the German Aerospace Centre (DLR) on the risk of erosion calculated using earth…

event 17 Mar 2022

The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // WEFE Nexus project partners met in Rutsiro district for a physical evaluation of the project

event 16 Mar 2022

News // A Water Conservation Journey Spanning Valleys and Plains

Save every Drop Series: In the last interview of the series, Aditi Mukherji talks about the water-energy-food nexus and saving the Himalayan springs.…

event 16 Feb 2022

Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Обсуждена реализация трансграничного демонстрационного проекта «Туямуюнский гидроузел» в рамках проекта ЕС «Нексус Диалог в ЦА»

Представители Туркменистана совместно с коллегами из Узбекистана и экспертами Европейского Союза приняли участие в четвертом заседании Технической…

event 10 Jan 2022

Projet du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi // La GIZ accueille l'atelier de démarrage du plan d'action stratégique pour la gestion durable du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi

Cet article présente les résultats et les conclusions de l'atelier de démarrage des parties prenantes pour le développement d'un plan d'action…

event 03 Jan 2022

Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // GIZ Hosts Strategic Action Plan Stakeholder Kickoff Workshop for the sustainable management of the Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River basin

This article presents the results and conclusions of the Stakeholder Kickoff Workshop for the development of a Strategic Action Plan for the Lake…

event 20 Dec 2021

Nexus Blog // Encouraging WEFE Nexus capacities in the Mediterranean - Review of a 3-day webinar

GIZ, in collaboration with PRIMA, held a 3-day online workshop with the aim of strengthening capacities for WEFE Nexus solutions in the Mediterranean…

event 01 Dec 2021

Nexus Blog // Overview of the COP26 session: Water, climate, and borders: The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience

In the first ever Water Pavilion at the Climate Conference COP26 on November 12, 2021, the GIZ alongside UNECE Secretariat of the Water Convention,…

event 29 Nov 2021

Project FREXUS // Atelier de formation des modérateurs - Les outils d'alerte précoce permettent de mettre en évidence le lien entre ressources naturelles, changement climatique et conflit

Un atelier de formation de modérateurs de haut niveau a été organisé pour les experts des trois pays participants au projet FREXUS (Tchad, Mali,…

event 26 Nov 2021

FREXUS project // Moderator Training Workshop – Early warning tools help highlight the link between natural resources, climate change and conflict

A high-level moderator training workshop was held for experts from the three participating countries of the FREXUS project (Chad, Mali, Niger) at the…

event 10 Nov 2021

News // FAO and partners present innovative water-energy solutions to address the challenges faced in the agriculture sector in the Caribbean due to climate change

Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO and under the Mexico – CARICOM – FAO Initiative Cooperation for…

event 04 Nov 2021

Nexus Blog // Water and Energy: A Partnership for the fight against Climate Change

Review of the COP26 session “Fueling Synergies through the Water-Energy Nexus - honouring Energy Day at the Water Pavilion”. How closely are the…

event 25 Oct 2021

Nexus Blog // Review of the second online webinar on WEF Nexus solutions: Cooperation across borders and sectors

How can the WEF Nexus be institutionalized into governance structures? How can the benefits of the WEF Nexus approach intensify transboundary…

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