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Forests // Championing the Forest-Water Nexus
This working paper, co-authored by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the International Union for Conservation of…
Case Study // Waste Management in Laguna Province, Philippines
By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. When analysed with a Nexus perspective, solid waste can be transformed into precious energy and water…
Case Study // Waste Management in Danang, Vietnam
By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study analyses the feasibility of viable solutions for an environmentally friendly and future-proof…
Case Study // Waste Management in Nagpur, India
By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study develops an economically feasible solution to implement an integrated waste management system…
Case Study // Waste Management in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia
By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study presents a concept for the implementation of an Urban Nexus-approach based waste management…
Переосмысление Водной Проблематики в Центральноазиатском Контексте // Ущерб от Бездействия и Преимущества Водного Сотрудничества
Авторы: Бенджамин Пол, Анника Крамер, Вильям Халл, Сабина Блюмштейн, Искандар Абдуллаев, Жусипбек Казбеков, Таис Резникова, Екатерина Стрикелева,…
WEF Nexus Training Module 2 // German and European Nexus Case Studies
Training Module 2 “German and European Case Studies” presents the main legislative and institutional instruments for Water-Energy-Food Nexus…
Nexus in Asia // Assessment of the Potential for Developing Mini/Micro Hydropower: A Case Study in Beppu City, Japan
By By Masahiko Fujii, Soichiro Tanabe, Makoto Yamada, Taketoshi Mishima, et al. This study aims to provide quantitative guidelines necessary for…
Nexus in Asia // Unfolding Livelihood Aspects of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Dampalit Watershed, Philippines
By Maximilian Spiegelberg, Dalton Erick Baltazar, Maria Paula E. Sarigumba, Pedcris M. Orencio, et al. The aim of the study is to yield policy…
Event Report // Triggering Cooperation Across the Food-Water-Energy Nexus in Central Asia
This paper is a report on Triggering Cooperation Across the Food-Water-Energy Nexus in Central Asia, a workshop convened by the International Union…
Strategies for a Green Economy // Investing in Nature as Water Infrastructure
IUCN's Policy Brief on Water, Food, Energy Nexus and the Dimension of Nature. Clean and regular water supplies are among the most basic human needs,…
MAXUS // Synergizing water, food and energy policy
By Rogier E. A. Burger. In this study an optimization model framework is proposed, titled ‘MAXUS’, specifically designed to address the shortfalls of…
Urban Nexus // Demonstrating the Urban NEXUS Approach to Link Water, Energy and Food Resources in Schools in Tanzania
By generating cross-institutional collaboration for infrastructure systems and services at schools in the Kinondoni District, Dar es Salaam, the…
Water-Energy Nexus // A Pre-feasibility Study for Mid-east Water-renewable Energy Exchanges
By David Katz and Arkadiy Shafran. In the face of strong population growth, the region’s countries are in need of long-term strategic planning in the…
Nexus of Water-Energy-Food as an Approach to Face Climate Change // Morocco's Intergral Concepts for Climatic Challenges
By Hind Bouhia, Global Nexus. Morocco, home to cereal, olive, and livestock cultivation, is continuously feeling the effect of climate change due to…
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