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190 Resources
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event 23 Jul 2018

Study // Solarising Groundwater Irrigation in India: A Growing Debate

By Nitin Bassi. India’s carbon footprint in agriculture is on the rise. Heavy subsidies for electricity and diesel to pump groundwater for irrigated…

event 22 Jul 2018

A New Waste and Energy Nexus? // Rethinking the Modernisation of Waste Services in Delhi

By Rémi de Bercegol and Shankare Gowda. One important aspect of sustainability involves the flows of materials and energy, extracted, consumed,…

event 03 Jul 2018

Project // S-MultiStor: Sustainable Hydropower and Multipurpose Storage to Meet the Water, Food and Energy SDG's

This project is a 3-year program to investigate and demonstrate improved approaches to sustainable multipurpose water storage, including both gray…

event 02 Jul 2018

Case Study // Waste Management in Laguna Province, Philippines

By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. When analysed with a Nexus perspective, solid waste can be transformed into precious energy and water…

event 02 Jul 2018

Case Study // Waste Management in Danang, Vietnam

By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study analyses the feasibility of viable solutions for an environmentally friendly and future-proof…

event 02 Jul 2018

Resilience and Nexus Approaches Combined // A New Framework to Enable Equitable Outcomes

By L. C. Stringer, C. H. Quinn, H. T. V. Le, F. Msuya, J. Pezzuti, M. Dallimer, S. Afionis, R. Berman, S. E. Orchard, M. L. Rijal. Managing…

event 02 Jul 2018

Case Study // Waste Management in Nagpur, India

By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study develops an economically feasible solution to implement an integrated waste management system…

event 02 Jul 2018

Case Study // Waste Management in Tanjung Pinang, Indonesia

By Martin Schaub and Jérémie Bertrand. This case study presents a concept for the implementation of an Urban Nexus-approach based waste management…

event 29 Jun 2018

Nexus in South Asia // ACIAR Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP)

The Sustainable Development Investment Portfolio (SDIP) is a project that aims to improve the management of water, energy and food resources in three…

event 27 Jun 2018

Presentation // The Role and Perspective of Hydropower in Water-Energy-Food Nexus in China

By Liu Heng, International Center on Small Hydropower, GWP China Regional Technical Committee. With key figures for water supply and hydropower…

event 05 Jun 2018

Переосмысление Водной Проблематики в Центральноазиатском Контексте // Ущерб от Бездействия и Преимущества Водного Сотрудничества

Авторы: Бенджамин Пол, Анника Крамер, Вильям Халл, Сабина Блюмштейн, Искандар Абдуллаев, Жусипбек Казбеков, Таис Резникова, Екатерина Стрикелева,…

event 01 Jun 2018

Nexus in Asia // Assessment of the Potential for Developing Mini/Micro Hydropower: A Case Study in Beppu City, Japan

By By Masahiko Fujii, Soichiro Tanabe, Makoto Yamada, Taketoshi Mishima, et al. This study aims to provide quantitative guidelines necessary for…

event 01 Jun 2018

Nexus in Asia // Unfolding Livelihood Aspects of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the Dampalit Watershed, Philippines

By Maximilian Spiegelberg, Dalton Erick Baltazar, Maria Paula E. Sarigumba, Pedcris M. Orencio, et al. The aim of the study is to yield policy…

event 29 May 2018

Центрально-Азиатский Диалог // Усиления Взаимосвязи «Вода-Энергия-Продовольствие» и Использование Многосекторального Финансирования

Проект «Центрально-Азиатский Диалог по использованию возможностей многосекторального финансирования путем усиления взаимосвязи…

event 29 May 2018

Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project // Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment

Central Asia Nexus Dialogue project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment is an EU-funded project…

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