¡Lo invitamos a explorar cómo el WEF Nexo puede transformar el mundo!
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La Plataforma de Recursos Nexo está sujeta a un continuo desarrollo estratégico y técnico.
Research Article // Sustainability attributes from the water-energy-food nexus: An application to livestock systems in the Brazilian Pampa biome
By Joao Garibaldi Almeida Viana and colleagues. The water-energy-food nexus (WEF Nexus) is a research issue still in progress, especially in…
Research Article // Overcoming Resource Nexus Conflicts With a Normative-Institutional Approach: A Case Study of Brazil
By Priscila Carvalho and Catalina Spataru. This study proposes a normative-institutional approach to assess the Water-Energy Nexus that offers a…
Publicación // Secado de cacao con energía solar, en la Región Amazónica del Ecuador
Por Esteban Urresta. Este artículo presenta el secador solar de cacao que se implementó por la Asociación Kallari en la ciudad de Tena, en Ecuador,…
Research Article // Balancing renewable energy and river resources by moving from individual assessments of hydropower projects to energy system planning
By Jeffrey J. Opperman and colleagues. This paper explores strategies to achieve the needed renewable energy expansion while sustaining the diverse…
Research Article // Small-Scale Solar-Powered Desalination Plants: A Sustainable Alternative Water-Energy Nexus to Obtain Water for Chile’s Coastal Areas
By Lorena Cornejo-Ponce and colleagues. The natural potential of Chile make the implementation of small-scale reverse osmosis desalination plants…
Research Article // Analysis of the water-food nexus for food security in a high Andean Community
By M-A Fiestas and colleagues. Increasing water and food demand are especially significant in mountainous regions where glaciers are melting, and…
Research Article // The Water–Energy–Food Nexus: An Analysis of Food Sustainability in Ecuador
By Carlos Francisco Terneus Páez and Oswaldo Viteri Salazar. This research aims to recognize and quantify the use of water and energy in food in…
Research Article // Co‑creating sustainability indicators for the local water–energy–food nexus
By Fabiano de Araújo Moreira and colleagues. This study has given attention to the local context by focusing on the activities of the "Ligue os…
Research Article // Assessing the Nexus on Local Perspective: A Quali-Quantitative Framework for Water-Energy-Food Security Evaluation in Neglected Territories
By Rita de Cássia Santos de Souza, Ana Paula Dias Turetta, Michelle Bonatti & Stefan Sieber. This study presents a case study about a typical…
Project // REXUS
New blueprint for climate-resilient, participatory Water-Energy-Food Nexus solutions are being developed by the H2020 REXUS Project. From Nexus…
Publication // Peri-urban territories and WEF nexus: the challenges of Brazilian agrarian reform areas for social justice
By Thainara Granero de Melo, Bruno Lacerra de Souza and Rosemeire Aparecida Scopinho. Drawing on the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus’ critical and…
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