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1149 Recursos
8 de 77 páginas
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event 27 mar. 2023

Research Article // WEF Nexus Policy Review of Four Mediterranean Countries

By Davide Bazzana and colleagues. As governments are required to make decisions in order to cope with increasing demands for resources, this paper…

event 21 mar. 2023

Working Paper // The link between small reservoir infrastructure and farmer-led irrigation: Case Study of Ogun Watershed in Southwestern Nigeria

By Adebayo Olubukola Oke and colleagues. Small water infrastructure in Nigeria needs to be utilized more efficiently. There are over 900 small…

event 15 mar. 2023

Research Article // A Feminist Analysis of Women Farmers Navigating Groundwater Qualities in Maharashtra, India

By Irene Leonardelli and colleagues. This paper presents the findings of an ethnographic study of a relatively recent irrigation scheme that brings…

event 15 mar. 2023

Research Article // Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on the Water, Food, and Energy Sectors in Sittaung River Basin, Myanmar

By Uttam Ghimire and colleagues. The Sittaung river basin remains one of the least studied basins of Myanmar in terms of the assessment of the…

event 14 mar. 2023

Research Article // Farm-scale water-energy-food-waste nexus analysis for a closed-loop dairy system

By Jordan D. Muell and colleagues. Largely due to manure management, intensive livestock production is known to negatively impact air, water, and…

event 13 mar. 2023

Research Article // Groundwater market in water-abundant regions: determinants of farmers’ decision to buy irrigation water in Assam in North-East India

By Jitu Tamuli and colleagues. This study was carried out to unearth the factors influencing the water-buying decisions of farmers in the groundwater…

event 10 mar. 2023

Research Article // Stochastic Evaluation of the Investment Risk by the Scale of Water Infrastructures—Case Study: The Municipality of West Mani (Greece)

By David Markantonis and colleagues. In this paper, the authors try to evaluate the investment risk by interest rates (IR). They show that IR is a…

event 10 mar. 2023

Research Article // The Persistent Appeal of the California Agricultural Dream in North Africa

By Marcel Kupel and colleagues. This paper shows how 'California' as a social imaginary influenced North Africa’s irrigation policies. It traces the…

event 08 mar. 2023

Research Article // The food water energy nexus in an urban context: Connecting theory and practice for nexus governance

By Mari R. Tye and colleagues. In this paper, we review the FWE nexus literature with the focus on urban scale and identify gaps in the scholarly…

event 03 mar. 2023

Research Article // Review of Publications on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Climate Change Adaptation Using Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study of Africa

By Omolola M. Adeola and colleagues. This study concentrated on reviewing progress made in understanding the relationship between the…

event 03 mar. 2023

Research Article // The combined effect of water management and environmental control on the planting of two varieties of garden egg in a partially shaded greenhouse: an energy and yield indicator analysis

By Ike Okosa and colleagues. The objective of this study is to investigate the performance of partially shaded solar greenhouse and water management…

event 21 feb. 2023

Research Article // Watermelons in the Desert in Morocco: Struggles Around a Groundwater Commons-in-the-Making

By Lisa Bossenbroek and colleagues. Groundwater is essential for early-season agriculture in many arid regions. In such regions, however,…

event 17 feb. 2023

Working Paper // Identifying energy solutions to support development of irrigated agriculture in Ethiopia

By Hua Xie and Dawit Mekonnen. This working paper presents early findings from a country-level planning analysis that aims at identifying energy…

event 14 feb. 2023

Research Article // The Water, Energy, and Food Nexus: Health is yet Another Resource

By Iman Nuwayhid and Rabi Mohtar. This article highlights a place for Health (H) in the Water, Energy, and Food (WEF) nexus. It reviews the reference…

event 13 feb. 2023

Research Article // How Agriculture, Connectivity and Water Management Can Affect Water Quality of a Mediterranean Coastal Wetland

By Lucía Vera-Herrera and colleagues. The aim of this research was to assess the water quality of the different aquatic environments of the Natural…

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