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event 30 oct. 2018

Fact Sheet // Der Nexus-Ansatz in Bolivien

Bolivien ist eines der ärmsten Länder Lateinamerikas, wo 36% der Bevölkerung noch immer unter der Armutsgrenze leben. Der Kampf gegen extreme…

event 29 oct. 2018

Hoja Informativa // El Enfoque Nexo en Bolivia

Bolivia es uno de los países más pobres de América Latina, donde 36% de la población aún vive por debajo de la línea de pobreza. La lucha contra la…

event 29 oct. 2018

Hoja Informativa Nexo Bolivia // Proyecto Piloto Misicuni: Agua, Energía y Seguridad Alimentaria para Bolivia

El proyecto Misicuni fue deseado por la población del valle central de Cochabamba, Bolivia, para mejorar la captación, almacenamiento, generación…

event 27 abr. 2018

Nexus Fact Sheet // The Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Niger Basin Phase II

The aim of the project is to support the Niger Basin Authority (NBA) and its member states to take a Nexus approach to the management of the basin.…

event 27 abr. 2018

Nexus Fact Sheet // Water, Energy and Food Security for Bolivia

German development cooperation institutions and the European Union support evidence presented at the Bonn2011 Conference that an integrated…

event 27 abr. 2018

Nexus Fact Sheet // The Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)

To meet the high demands in LAC, it is necessary to overcome the silos approach in the management of water, energy and food, enhance synergies and…

event 27 abr. 2018

Nexus Fact Sheet // The Nexus Regional Dialogue in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region phase I

The WEF Nexus approach assists MENA in achieving the SDGs and mandates of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change. The approach enables systems…

event 09 abr. 2018

Fact Sheet // The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Phase I

The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Phase I (2016 - 2020) , funded by the EU and BMZ, aimed at mainstreaming and institutionalizing the…

event 30 may. 2017

Water-Energy Nexus // A clean energy future means water security in Texas

By Environmental Defense Fund. As Texas’ population increases and climate change persists, meeting the state’s water needs is becoming more and more…

event 09 may. 2017

Fact Sheet // Programme: Nexus – Water, Energy and Food Security for Bolivia

German Development Cooperation supports the integration and systematic implementation of multi-sectoral development measures.

event 19 dic. 2016

Assessment // Fact Sheet "Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus - Reconciling different resource uses in transboundary basins"

By UNECE / Secretariat to the Water Convention. The document gives a brief overview of UNECE's activities to integrate energy, land management and…

event 14 oct. 2016

Nexus Country Profile // Ethiopia

By Mohammad Al-Saidi, Tatjana Schellenberg and Emma Roach. This 8-page country profile looks at water, energy and land and lists the specific…

event 14 oct. 2016

Nexus Country Profile // Egypt

By Mohammad Al-Saidi, Tatjana Schellenberg and Emma Roach. This 8-page country profile looks at water, energy and land and lists the specific…

event 18 sept. 2015

Fact Sheet // Policies and Institutions for Achieving the Virtuous Food-Energy-Water Nexus in sub-Saharan Africa

Using computable general equilibrium (CGE) and micro-economic models, this study will assess the impacts of alternative government policies, which…

event 28 ago. 2015

Fact Sheet // German Development Cooperation in the Water Sector

Germany is the second largest donor in the water sector worldwide.

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