Online Event // Water, Food and Energy Nexus as Resources for Peace
The event investigates how water, food and energy - if approached through a Nexus lens - can be a source of cooperation and peace instead of competition and conflict, even under climate change threat multiplying conditions. It provides insights into how to turn vicious conflict cycles into cooperative virtuous ones. Online Seminar by Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH and IHE Delft in the frame of the Week on Water for Development 2020.
After providing a comprehensive overview of current and potential future hotspots of water-related conflicts, the event will dive deeper into the complex linkages between water-related risks – especially in light of climate change and its potential threat-multiplying effects as well as in light of the different sectoral water needs and interests – and competition and conflict that may arise from them. It will discuss both approaches and tools for understanding these linkages and specific case studies in which water has – against all odds – not (only) led to competition and conflict, but has (also) triggered exchange between communities, cooperation between different actors and sectors and/or peace between countries. This provides the basis for identifying which factors actually determine whether and how water can lead to cooperation instead of conflict and thus drive interaction, cooperation and ultimately peace. Inputs from different communities, countries and regions around the world will help to illustrate these complex interlinkages.
- Welcome and Introduction
- Introduction and Key Note
- Presentation of the Water, Peace & Security (WPS) Approach
- Water, Energy and Food Security Challenges in Iran
- Discussion
Watch the online event here
More online events in the frame of the Water Week on Development 2020 can be found here