FE2W // Guide to the Risks and Options Assessment for Decision Making (ROAD) Process
The Risks and Options Assessment for Decision-Making (ROAD) process enables decision-makers to understand and manage complex risks across connected food-energy-environment-water systems. This Guide supports the use of the ROAD process to make practical decisions on managing risks. The steps described here provided a framework that should be adapted to the context and resources of the users. ROAD is a flexible process that integrates existing tools for addressing resource challenges. Users may consider working with trained facilitators and researchers to adapt the process to the decision-making context.
The ROAD process was developed by the FE2W Network to enable decision-makers to comprehend and address complex risks. It is a participatory, systems-based approach to risk assessment that allows the integration of different tools and types of knowledge.
This Guide to the ROAD process was developed for facilitators and decision-makers, but it is equally of value to anyone interested in understanding and managing risks. The document outlines a series of steps that can be adapted to a range of decision-making contexts.
Version 1.0 of the Guide reflects lessons from pilot applications of ROAD in four regions of the world. The FE2W Network will continue to develop and revise the process over time.
Guide to the Risks and Options Assessment for Decision Making (ROAD) Process
Link to the website and the guide
January 2017 // Updated 2019
FE2W is a group of leading experts from universities, multilateral organisations and non-government organisations committed to addressing the world's food, energy, environment and water challenges. Its motto is "Understand Risks - Engage Decision-Makers - Enable Action".
More about the FE2W Initiative