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News // Hong Kong’s Water-Energy-Climate Synergies
By Robert C. Brears. The Hong Kong Drainage Services Department (DSD) is actively implementing a range of renewable energy initiatives to mitigate…
News // FAO and partners present innovative water-energy solutions to address the challenges faced in the agriculture sector in the Caribbean due to climate change
Published by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). FAO and under the Mexico – CARICOM – FAO Initiative Cooperation for…
Article // Creating Food Security in Angola
By Agricultiva& Owini professionals. The Samba Caju farm is empowering the people of Angola to achieve ‘Zero Hunger,’ even while the world and its…
Article // Thinking Hydrologically - An Interview with Oyture Anarbekov, IWMI Country Manager – Uzbekistan
By Clara Colton Symmes, Princeton in Asia Fellow, IWMI. Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production,…
News // Mapping tool helps private sector identify high-potential locations for solar irrigation pumps
By Mansoor Leh. As climate change threatens to exacerbate water scarcity and food insecurity in many parts of Africa, solar water pumps combined with…
Online course // A Data Light Approach to Monitoring Climate Resilience
This new short course employing the Nexus framework invites participation to build regional showcases on disaster resilience.
КАЗАХСТАН, СЕВЕРНЫЙ АРАЛ – Сегодня в Аральском районе Кызылординской области состоялось открытие двух саксаульных парников и туманария в рамках…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // European Union supports Kazakhstan’s efforts to restore the Aral Sea Basin ecosystem
KAZAKHSTAN, North Aral – Two saxaul greenhouses and the shadehouse were opened in Aral District, Kyzylorda Region, in the framework of the national…
Nexus Blog // Supplying water to remote, drought-plagued areas in Angola - When creativity meets innovation in Africa
Owini, a company in the Mitrelli Group, implemented an innovative water desalination system based entirely on solar energy, within the village Ombala…
Nexus Blog // New report and “Take it Further Grants” in Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI) Food-Water-Energy Nexus
You can now read the report from the SUGI Midterm Valorisation Event and explore what SUGI projects have been awarded “Take it Further Grants” to…
Программа регионального Нексус диалога по Центральной Азии // Результаты первого заседания Регионального координационного комитета
Первое заседание Регионального координационного комитета (РКК) проекта, финансируемого Европейским Союзом «Центрально-Азиатский Диалог по…
Central Asia Nexus Regional Dialogue // Outcomes of the first Regional Steering Committee Meeting
The First Meeting of the Regional Steering Committee (RSC) of the EU funded “Central Asia Nexus Dialogue Project: Fostering Water, Energy and Food…
Call for Innovations // Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) region - Water and Energy for Food (WE4F)
Are you a MENA-based innovator with a proven solution tackling water and/or energy issues in urban or rural food production? This Call for…
Nexus News // Water and Energy Ministers Meeting approves the SADC WEF-Nexus Governance Framework developed by GWPSA
The SADC Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Governance Framework, that was developed by GWPSA, was approved in a joint meeting held by the Ministers…
Nexus Blog // Sécurité alimentaire et autonomisation des femmes grâce à l'irrigation solaire au Niger
À trente kilomètres de la capitale du Niger, dans la région de Kollo récemment marquée par le terrorisme, un groupe de 200 femmes bénéficiera bientôt…
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