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MIT Technology Review // To Make Fresh Water without Warming the Planet, Countries Eye Solar Power
By Richard Martin. Solar-powered desalination is ideal—if only the cost comes down.
Water-energy-food Nexus - Applications for Agriculture Communities
This presentation by Dr. Rabi Mohtar at the 'Navigating Agriculture through the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Symposium' on November 19, 2015 in Austin,…
Video Interview // A Video Interview with Sandra Postel of the Global Water Policy Project at the BSR Conference 2015
At the BSR Conference 2015, we sat down with plenary speakers and sustainability thought leaders to discuss resilience in their organizations and…
Video // The Water Rooms - The Water Nexus Games
A film by UNESCO WWAP: The interconnections between water, energy, food and environment are like a board game. To win, all the players need to gather…
Video // The Water Rooms - Where is Water?
Where and how much freshwater is there in the world? What is humans impact on water and how "real" is virtual water? 2nd movie of "The Water Rooms"…
Video // The Water Rooms - Where is Water?
Where and how much freshwater is there in the world?
Video // DSDS 2014 - Delhi Sustainable Development Summit: Energy, Water and Food Security for All
Water security, energy security and food security are the greatest Problems India is facing today, says Lisa Grande of UNEP
Video // 2015 Water-Energy-Food Nexus
A video in Arabic of the panel discussion at seminar on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus conducted at Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain on April 27, 2015.…
Video // United Nations University (UNU-FLORES)
presented on the 2015 Word Water Week Stockholm
Video // How science might resolve conflicts between water, energy and food
Global efforts to try and improve energy, water and food supplies are becoming increasingly necessary.
Video // The Nexus Conference 2014. Water. Food. Climate. Energy. What's the Solution?
This is a motion graphic created and published by University of North Carolina students for the Nexus Conference in 2014.
Video // Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Achieving water, energy and food security for everyone is one of the greatest challenges humankind faces today, as this video outlines.
Video // Tackling complexity in a changing climate: the water-energy-food nexus in low income countries
by Louise Karlberg (Stockholm Environment Insitutute) as a Webinar for the The International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) on May 8th, 2015
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