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Video // Understanding the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Interview with Karl Falkenberg, Director General in DG Environment at the European Commission
The interview took place at the IIEA after a seminar on "Understanding the Water-Energy-Food Nexus".
Video // India - A Nation Heading Towards a Water-Food-Energy Choke Point
Circle of Blue, with the Wilson Center, is looking at what's probably the most important drama unfolding on the planet today, and that's the…
Video // Nexus Dialogue: What Does the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus Mean to You?
This video, by the IUCN is a part of the Nexus Interview Series, centres around the question "What does the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus mean to…
Video // The Value of Soil
This film by the ELD Initiative depicts the value of productive land in provision of ecosystem services and goes on to show the current rapid…
Video // A Systems Approach to Modelling Water-Energy-Food Nexus
this video introduces ANEMI, a dynamic model system for effectively considering the interactions between water, energy and food in a complex…
Video // Sustainable Business: Water, Food and Energy Nexus Part Two
The second Guardian Nexus Debate, in association with SAB Miller, focuses on food and water in producing energy.
Lecture Series - Webinar // "The Role of Scarcity in Global Virtual Water Flows"
"Water scarcity is affecting other sectors which heavily rely on the availability of water supplies. Water is an important determinant of food…
Video // Larry Swatuk on the Water-Energy-Food "Nexus"
Filmed at the STEPS/Soas "Not another nexus" event, October 2012.
Video // The WaterPost2015 Webisode Series: Episode 1
Conducted at the High-Level African Dialogue on the Water-Food-Energy Nexus in Nairobi, Kenya, experts interviewed stress the necessity of Water in a…
Video // The New Approach in Water Management: The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus
A Nexus presentation by Fritz Holzwarth, BMZ, at the EU Water Blueprint Conference, 26-27 Nov 2012 in Nicosia
Lecture Series - Webinar // "Biomass for Energy: The Water Footprint for Biodiesel"
The concept of water footprint has been around for some time now and led to valuable debates about the interlinks between consumption patterns,…
Lecture Series - Webinar // "Eco-Innovation for Greening Growth"
The sustainable and integrated management of the resources land, water and energy is indispensable for any future development strategy. The way to…
Video // Solutions for a Food-Secure World
World Economic Forum Annual Meeting of the New Champions 2012 - Andy Wales (SABMiller) reports from the session on food security: The…
Video // Managing Water - More Food, Higher Incomes
The AgWater Solutions Project, led by IWMI, explored how innovations in on-farm water management could help smallholder farmers. In Ghana, one of the…
Video // Implementing the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus in the Nile Basin
Presentation video of Abby Onencan, Nile at the World Water Week 2012
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