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Project // Strengthening Climate Resilient Development in the Cumbaza Watershed: Towards Water, Energy and Food Security in Urban-rural Landscapes
Strengthening climate-resilient development in urban-rural landscapes using a Water-Energy-Food Nexus approach focuses on the Amazonian city of…
Project // Central Asia Nexus Dialogue - Fostering Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus Dialogue and Multi-Sector Investment
This project aims at creating a multi-sectoral enabling environment to facilitate sustainable and climate-resilient investments for increased water,…
Water-Energy Nexus // Water resources as important factor for the global energy system transition (Energiewende) at local and global scale (WANDEL)
Water and energy play a key role in the sustainable development of Germany and of the world. The overall focus of WANDEL project is to investigate,…
Graduate Training // UM BRIDGES: Bridging divides across the food-energy-water nexus
UM BRIDGES is a graduate training program at the University of Montana focused on the food‐energy‐ water (FEW) nexus. UM BRIDGES trains graduate…
Integrated Resource Management in Asian cities // The Urban Nexus
The project focuses on the topics of secure water supply and sanitation systems, energy security and efficiency, land use, and food security. The…
Urban Nexus Project // Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus Project
By Ruth Erlbeck. The “nexus” approach aims at integrated planning and management processes of the key sectors of energy, water and food. This…
Project // Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM)
The Water and Wastewater Companies for Climate Mitigation (WaCCliM) project is demonstrating that the water sector can reduce greenhouse gas…
Water-Food Nexus // Programme "Remote Sensing for Water Productivity"
This programme will assist the Member Countries of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in monitoring water…
Research Project // Promoting Urban Food, Energy and Water Resource Resilience via the Regional Food System
Urban areas are major consumers of food, energy, and water (FEW). While the water and energy generally originate within an immediate geographic…
Project // "Projekt NeXus of Water, Food and Energy" at TU Munich
Project target is to develop an English Master’s degree program in the NeXus field at the TU München. With contacts and through joint Bachelor- and…
Youth & Nexus Project // (Re)Connect the Nexus (Brazil)
This ESRC and FAPESP funded research project aims to examine young people's (aged 10-24) understandings, experiences and participation in the…
Project // "Dŵr Uisce - Energy Efficiency in Water Services"
Water-Energy Nexus Project at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) and Bangor University (UK). There is significant scope to improve the energy efficiency of…
Project // TriNex - Knowledge Triangle Platform for the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
The TriNex project will be implemented in stages over a period of 36 months and split into nine overlapping work packages. Five of these work…
Project // Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land project (IS-WEL)
A new project, Integrated Solutions for Water, Energy, and Land, aims to identify integrated approaches to energy, water, food, and ecosystem…
Project // 5TOI_4EWAS Energy, Water and Agriculture in the South Mediterranean Neighbourhood
The project will enhance and support regional smart specialization and development by increasing research capacity, effective mobility of young…
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