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198 Resources
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event 11 Apr 2022

Project // Sustainable Energy for Smallholder Farmers in Ethiopia, Kenya, and Uganda

Supporting the Productive Use of Energy (PUE) in agricultural value chains to increase productivity and value-addition can be one of the most…

event 08 Apr 2022

Research Article // A Review of the Water–Energy–Food Nexus Research in Africa

By Joel O. Botai and colleagues. In the present study, a bibliometric, as well as content, analysis of WEF Nexus research in the African continent…

event 07 Apr 2022

Research Article // Bioenergy Potential of Crop Residues in the Senegal River Basin: A Cropland–Energy–Water-Environment Nexus Approach

By M. Pastori and colleagues. This study developed a methodological approach by taking into consideration the context-specific land management…

event 23 Mar 2022

Rapport // Évaluation et surveillance des paramètres d’érosion des sols dans le bassin transfrontalier du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi

event 22 Mar 2022

Report // Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Erosion Parameters in theTransboundary Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Basin

event 11 Mar 2022

Research Article // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Index: A Tool to Support Integrated Resource Planning, Management and Security

By Gareth B. Simpson and colleagues. Based on the constituent indicators, the WEF Nexus Index is a function of the national resource base (e.g.,…

event 27 Jan 2022

Project // Nexus Gains: Realizing Multiple Benefits Across Water, Energy, Food, and Ecosystems

This CGIAR initiative aims to realize gains across water, energy, food, forests, and biodiversity systems in Central and West Asia and North Africa…

event 20 Jan 2022

Research Article // Operational planning of WEF infrastructure: quantifying the value of information sharing and cooperation in the Eastern Nile basin

By Jeroen Verhagen, Pieter van der Zaag, and Edo Abraham. With the availability of resources under pressure due to climate change and environmental…

event 10 Jan 2022

Research Article // Water-food-energy nexus for transboundary cooperation in Eastern Africa

By Hamdy Elsayed and colleagues. This paper proposed a WEF nexus-based simulation framework to analyse cooperation opportunities as well as…

event 06 Jan 2022

Recording // Global Summit Dialogue: Scaling a clean energy food transformation

This Summit Dialogue took place on April 20, 2021, with panelists Power For All, GACSA, Malabo Montpellier Panel, and Rockefeller Foundation.…

event 22 Dec 2021

Bulletin Politique // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources

Les outils d’alerte précoce ne cessent de s’améliorer dans leur capacité à prévoir les conflits liés aux ressources. Cependant, l’action préventive…

event 22 Dec 2021

Policy Brief // From forecast to prevention: Acting on resource-related conflict risks

Early warning tools keep improving in their ability to predict resource-related conflict. However, preventive action on water, food and energy…

event 15 Dec 2021

Rapport // Résumé de L'Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi

L'étude de référence du bassin fournit des informations sur l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin, tout en…

event 15 Dec 2021

Report // Summary of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi/Rusizi River Basin

The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…

event 15 Dec 2021

Factsheet // Bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi/Rusizi

L'étude de référence du bassin fournit des informations sur l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin, tout en…

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