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Frexus workshop
event 26 nov. 2021

Projet FREXUS // Coopération dans le bassin du lac Tchad entre le projet Frexus et la Commission du bassin du lac Tchad

Atelier de travail avec les cadres de la Commission du Bassin de Lac Tchad sur le cadre de la collaboration CBLT-GIZ pour la mise en œuvre du projet…

Components of a holistic approach to solar irrigation policy and development
event 21 juin 2021

Publication // Solar for all: A framework to deliver inclusive and environmentally sustainable solar irrigation for smallholder agriculture

By Nicole Lefore, Alvar Closas and Petra Schmitter. This research paper presents a framework to inform sustainable and inclusive solar irrigation in…

event 21 sept. 2022

FREXUS // Official signing ceremony of the local convention on the Nexus action plans in the Farrey and Karel Koissi pastoral areas

Dosso hosted an official signing ceremony of local convention on Nexus action plans for the positive transformation of conflicts and the…

20230330 1
event 30 mars 2023

Report // Towards Operationalising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Pamela Katic and R. Quentin Grafton. This technical report examines the profound connections between food, energy and water (the Nexus) at a…

event 03 mai 2022

The 9th World Water Forum // Showcasing the benefits of the WEF Nexus approach in the West African region.

This year´s 9th World Water Forum took place from the 21st-25th of March 2022 in Dakar Senegal under the motto "Water security for peace and…

event 17 janv. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // EU supports development of technical solutions against silting of resevoirs in Central Asia

CENTRAL ASIA – On 2 November 2021, the technical working group established in the framework of the EU-funded project "Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia"…

Giz report
event 28 oct. 2021

Report // Water and Climate Change: Stop Floating, Start Swimming: Water & Climate Change – Interlinkages & Prospects for future Action

Water and climate change are inextricably linked. As rising temperatures spur the hydrological cycle, climate change will affect water availability…

Ivan bandura RO Wu7 Xh Pws unsplash
event 16 déc. 2020

Nexus Blog // Is it crunch time for the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus? 3 recommendations to move the needle

In this article Jonathan Lautze, Dr. Stefan Uhlenbrook and Dr. Luna Bharati succinctly present three recommendations to take the WEF nexus to the…

20221021 2
event 21 oct. 2022

Nexus Interview Series // Hannah Mosleh and Jakob Seidler, Advisors of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme

The interview series aims to provide a better picture of the people within the Nexus team and their perspectives on Water Energy Food Nexus…

20230126 1
event 26 janv. 2023

Research Article // Irrigation Decision Support Systems (IDSS) for California’s Water–Nutrient–Energy Nexus

By Gaurav Jha and colleagues. This article reviews the policy context and science underlying the available irrigation decision support systems…

Integrated wef
event 03 juil. 2023

Research Article // An integrated decision support system for the urban food-water-energy nexus: Methodology, modification, and model formulation

By M. Ghodsvali and colleagues. This study proposes an integrated decision support system for water-energy-food nexus. It enables forecasting the…

event 11 juil. 2022

Review // FAO Workshop on: Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience and Equity

The FAO-led workshop “Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience, and Equity” was implemented in coordination with adelphi on June…

Fragility forum 1
event 07 avr. 2022

Le Forum Fragilité Biennal // Risques combinés de la fragilité et du changement climatique

Le Forum Fragilité de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu du 7 au 15 mars 2022 autour d'un thème central orienté vers " le développement et la paix en temps…

Welf study
event 02 févr. 2022

Research Article // Are multiscale water–energy–land–food nexus studies effective in assessing agricultural sustainability?

By Sai Jagadeesh Gaddam and Prasanna Venkatesh Sampath. This study represents a systematic attempt to evaluate the efficacy of multiscale WELF nexus…

Policy brief fr
event 22 déc. 2021

Bulletin Politique // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources

Les outils d’alerte précoce ne cessent de s’améliorer dans leur capacité à prévoir les conflits liés aux ressources. Cependant, l’action préventive…

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