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CA Nexus Webinar cover
event 31 mai 2022

Девятая лекция по продвижению подхода Нексус Вода-Энергетика-Продовольственная безопасность-Окружающая среда (WEFE Nexus)

Лекция № 9 Поддержка глобальных и региональных диалогов Нексус Вода-Энергетика-Продовольственная безопасность: Вклад Глобального Нексус…

event 24 mai 2022

Seminar // Irrigation Investment Policy: Does Scale Matter?

Co-organized by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IFPRI this seminar is part of AGRILINKS mechanization and irrigation…

event 17 mai 2022 19 mai 2022 location Kigali Convention Centre, Rwanda

Sustainable Energy for All Forum // Session on Leveraging the Sahel’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus

The 2022 SEforALL Forum is the landmark global gathering bringing people together serving as a platform for exchange towards realizing SDG7 and a…

Asset 10 8
event 10 mai 2022 12 mai 2022 location Portalegre, Portugal

Conference // International conference on water energy food and sustainability

The International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability (ICoWEFS 2022), taking place in Portalegre (May 10-12, 2022), Portugal, aims…

Vrouwen op markt AUSAID SOUTH AFRICA Flickr CC web
event 07 avr. 2022

Stakeholder Session // Water-Energy-Food Nexus research in Southern Africa

An online kick-off workshop will take place on April 7 2022 for all selected research project consortia and external stakeholders. Project partners…

MENA CW hero image new dates
event 28 mars 2022 31 mars 2022 location Dubai, UAE

Conference // Middle East and North Africa Climate Week 2022

MENA Climate Week will accelerate collaboration and integrate climate action into global pandemic recovery. Building forward opens an opportunity to…

Nexus event 17 feb
event 17 févr. 2022

Webinar // The Nexus: Building Synergies Across Sectors

The webinar is organised by KWR’s Joint Research Programme of the Dutch and Flemish drinking water sector and Watershare. The webinar on building…

Prima infoday
event 07 févr. 2022 08 févr. 2022

Workshop // PRIMA Journée d'information et formation pour les pays francophones

Les pays du Maghreb, le Liban et la France, en coordination avec la Fondation PRIMA ont le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à un workshop dédié à…

Nexus seminar series 17 jan
event 17 janv. 2022

Online Seminar // The Nexus and International Relations: The Case of Hydropower Projects and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

UNU-FLORES, in collaboration with PRISMA – Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy on behalf of TU Dresden, presents the 58th seminar in the…

Olive fields morocco
event 24 nov. 2021 location Morocco

Webinar // Side Event: Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Held by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). This webinar is taking place at the 5th African Regional Conference for…

Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021
event 22 nov. 2021 26 nov. 2021

Virtual Conference // Africa Water and Sanitation Week 2021

The 8th Africa Water Week (AWW8) and the 6th Africa Conference on Sanitation and Hygiene (AfricaSan6) are being jointly organised this year as a…

Cracking the nut conference
event 15 nov. 2021 18 nov. 2021

Virtual Conference // Cracking the Nut 2021: Building Resilient Food, Water, and Energy Systems

This learning event will highlight how systems can be designed, adapted, and reinforced to ensure regular access to food, water, and energy for rural…

RBO session cover picture
event 12 nov. 2021

COP26 // Water, climate, and borders - The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience

The Water Pavilion is a multimedia pavilion located in the Blue Zone throughout COP26 in Glasgow between 1 November and 12 November 2021. This online…

Climate Change and Sustainability Policy Dialogues
event 02 sept. 2021

Online workshop // Second workshop on climate change and sustainable energy

The Research and Innovation partnership Climate Change and Sustainable Energy’ of the African Union-EU High-Level Policy Dialogue on Science,…

SWWW session sharepic
event 24 août 2021

Stockholm World Water Week session // From risks to returns: WEFE Nexus solutions for climate resilience

Join this open session in the frame of the Stockholm World Water Week 2021 for behind-the-scenes conversations between policy-makers, public, private…

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