Webinar // Transformative leadership program for women professionals in the water–energy–food–ecosystems nexus
NEXUS Gains studied barriers for WEFE stakeholders in Nepal, emphasizing the need for women's confidence in male-dominated environments. They…
Event // World Water Week, August 2023
Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the World Water Week 2023 will take place between August 20 and August 24, 2023. The…
Bonn Climate Change Conference // Accelerating climate innovation and technology in the water-energy-food systems for inclusive NDC and NAP implementation
The Technology Executive Committee (TEC) in collaboration with Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), and with contributions…
Event // Focus on Governance: A framework for more effective policy and technical support
The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations announced an upcoming seminar on the role of governance in driving transformative change.…
Webinar // The UN 2023 Water Conference: Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development
The Geneva Water Hub is organizing a webinar on the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, which will take place on May 10th, 2023. The webinar will…
Conference // European Week of Regions and Cities
The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and…
Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talks 4: Towards an integrated water storage diagnostic
The session is being held by the NEXUS Gains – a One CGIAR Initiative that will examine water, energy, food and ecosystem (WEFE) systems in…
Conference // GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference: How to build an equitable, resilient food future
Many parts of Africa are facing catastrophic drought due to the effects of climate change. But there’s good news: a growing movement of local…
Event // Upscaling the WEF Nexus for a Climate Resilient Future
The event aims to address the barriers and opportunities to upscaling water and energy efficient technologies in the agriculture sector in the MENA…
Congress // World Water Congress & Exhibition. Water for smart liveable cities
The International Water Association invites water professionals and organizations to Copenhagen for their 5-day World Water Congress and Exhibition.…
Webinar // Leveraging Climate Adaptation for the Water, Energy, Food Nexus
What changes are needed to strength water, energy, and food systems for communities around the world? The panelists of the webinar are going to share…
Webinar // Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus to increase food systems' resilience to climate change and conflict's cascading effects in the Mediterranean region
This webinar will bring together stakeholders from across the Mediterranean to share practical experiences of engagement in WEFE…
Conference // Nature-based Solutions in a Changing Climate 2022
This conference is bringing together leading researchers from the social and natural sciences, engineering and economics with policymakers, civil…
Webinar // Nexus Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems approach: An adaptation Strategy to cope with climate change
The Nexus4AFRICA webinar organized by PRIMA (Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area) highlights the role of the WEFE Nexus…
Seminar // Irrigation Investment Policy: Does Scale Matter?
Co-organized by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and IFPRI this seminar is part of AGRILINKS mechanization and irrigation…