Stockholm World Water Week 2024 // SIWI Seminar Series (3/3): Technical solutions for secure water supplies: WEFE-Nexus in Transboundary Contexts
Sharing water resources, be it either surface or groundwater, between countries requires transboundary water cooperation. WEFE Nexus solutions that…
Meeting // Eighth meeting of the Task Force on the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus
The eighth meeting of the Task Force on Water Food Energy Ecosystems Nexus marks ten years of work on the theme of cross-sectoral cooperation under…
Webinar // The UN 2023 Water Conference: Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development
The Geneva Water Hub is organizing a webinar on the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, which will take place on May 10th, 2023. The webinar will…
Seminar // The Value of Water(s): Strategies to reduce impact on freshwater resources
Organised by Aqua Publica Europea, the seminar aims to explore the potential and challenges of implementing the new water reuse regulation in…
UN Water Conference Side Event // “Too much and too little – Accelerating IWRM for climateresilient water management and ecosystem conservation”
Germany, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Niger Basin Authority cordially invite you to the joint high-level side event at the UN 2023…
Conférence de l‘ONU sur l‘eau 2023 : événement parallèle // » Trop et trop peu - Accélérer la GIRE pour une gestion de l‘eau résiliente au climat et la conservation des écosystèmes «
L‘Allemagne, la République démocratique du Congo et l‘Autorité du bassin du Niger vous invitent cordialement à l‘événement parallèle de haut niveau…
Business Forum UE-Niger // Session : Accélérer les entreprises sur l’eau-énergie et la sécurité alimentaire au Niger
Cette session présente comment le Nexus eau-énergie-sécurité alimentaire (EESA) peut soutenir une utilisation efficace et durable des ressources…
Webinar // Session 3 - Overview of water governance studies in Bolivia, Chile, El Salvador, Guatemala, Panama and Peru
The FAO ‘Water Governance Analysis for Transformational Change’ webinar series deals with some of the dynamics of water governance at the global…
Diálogos Regionales del Agua en América Latina y el Caribe 2023
La tercera edición de los Diálogos Regionales del Agua se llevará a cabo de forma híbrida (presencial y virtual) en Santiago de Chile entre el 1 y el…
Webinar // Nexus research for improved policy support: water scarcity in Europe
Nexus Project Cluster and COST Action NEXUSNET facilitated by UNU-FLORES organize a webinar on ‘Nexus research for improved policy support: water…
Webinar Series // Water Governance Analysis for Transformational Change
The FAO ‘Water Governance Analysis for Transformational Change’ webinar series draws lessons from pilot water governance analyses undertaken in five…
27th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP27) // Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference
Between 6 and 18 November 2022, Heads of State, ministers and negotiators, as well as climate activists, civil society and economy representatives…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in LAC // Peri-urbans towards consensus, 2022: towards food and technology sovereignty to guarantee the human right to adequate food and nutrition
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean is proud to support the Second National Scientific Congress “Peri-urbans…
Conference // GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference: How to build an equitable, resilient food future
Many parts of Africa are facing catastrophic drought due to the effects of climate change. But there’s good news: a growing movement of local…
Девятая лекция по продвижению подхода Нексус Вода-Энергетика-Продовольственная безопасность-Окружающая среда (WEFE Nexus)
Лекция № 9 Поддержка глобальных и региональных диалогов Нексус Вода-Энергетика-Продовольственная безопасность: Вклад Глобального Нексус…