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79 Mitigation
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2019 05 24 151017 885107 F369 EDD6 0 EC9 483 E A68 A 36 C871831 AE7
event 02 juin 2023

Job Vacancy // Agrivoltaics and Energy-Water-Land Nexus - Researcher III

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Strategic Energy Analysis Center is seeking a Researcher who is familiar with agrivoltaic systems…

Sustainability 14 01451 g001
event 28 juin 2022

Research Article // Water, Energy and Carbon Tradeoffs of Groundwater Irrigation-Based Food Production: Case Studies from Fergana Valley, Central Asia

By Akmal Kh. Karimov and colleagues. This study results suggest that when carbon emissions become the main factor of environmental and agricultural…

event 05 sept. 2022

Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'articles n° 2 : Présentation des participants

Suite au bootcamp de start-ups Nexus EESA qui a eu lieu en juin, les 5 finalistes entrent maintenant dans le programme d'accélération de 9 mois.…

IMG 20230606 WA0053
event 11 juil. 2023

Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°12 : Moonsoftbio, entre éthique et responsabilité sociale

Bénéficiaire du programme d’accélération des startups NEXUS Eau-Energie-Sécurité Alimentaire, Moonsoftbio est accompagnée sur des aspects techniques…

Rexus interview
event 22 févr. 2022

News // The secret to effective stakeholder engagement for applied Nexus solutions

Why is stakeholder engagement a crucial ingredient for the success of Horizon projects, and in particular those that focus on the Water-Energy-Food…

1 s2 0 S2214581822002373 gr2 lrg
event 19 mai 2023

Research Article // Impact of high-density managed aquifer recharge implementation on groundwater storage, food production and resilience: A case from Gujarat, India

By Mohammad Faiz Alam and colleagues. The impact of CDs on groundwater storage, food production and resilience are assessed for Kamadhiya catchment…

event 22 août 2023

Research Article // The role of water circularity in the food-water-energy nexus and climate change mitigation

By Caroline Samberger. This paper reviews the latest publications about the water-food-energy nexus and climate change, putting numbers into…

Cacip review
event 08 nov. 2021

Report // CACIP review issue 1: July - September 2021: Sustainable energy and green recovery

The Central Asian Climate Information Platform (CACIP) collects, structures and visualises public-domain climate and climate-relevant data and…

1 s2 0 S2352728523000040 gr1 lrg
event 16 juin 2023

Research Article // Techno-economic scenario analysis of containerized solar energy for use cases at the food/water/health nexus in Rwanda

By A. Gill-Wiehl and colleagues. This analysis combines modeled and in-the-field data to consider three use cases (water, food, and health), across…

20221027 2
event 27 oct. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // Minaret II Project: Empowering Municipal Governance for Climate Resilience Using WEF Nexus Approach

A policy dialogue event took place in Amman, Jordan with NRD MENA partners the Royal Scientific Society working towards empowering municipal…

event 07 juil. 2023

Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 10: Green Business Consulting, attracting financing and partnerships

As part of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Security Nexus Acceleration Programme, regular activities are organised for selected start-ups. These include…

India energy hour podcast
event 28 janv. 2022

Podcast // Climate Resilience: Role of Water-Energy-Food Nexus

In episode 14 of the India Energy Hour, the hosts are joined by Dr Aditi Mukherji, principal researcher, International Water Management Institute.…

1 s2 0 S0022169422015335 ga1 lrg
event 19 mai 2023

Research Article // Future drought propagation through the water-energy-food-ecosystem nexus – A Nordic perspective

By Claudia Teutschbein and colleagues. This manuscript demonstrates a novel approach to assess future drought conditions through the lens of the…

event 02 nov. 2021

Recording // EU Sustainable Energy Week 2021: Fully exploiting the water-energy nexus: Measuring energy savings & CO2 reduction

This is the recording of the session 'Fully exploiting the water-energy nexus: Measuring energy savings & CO2 reduction' that took place at the EU…

1 s2 0 S2772427123000372 gr3
event 15 juin 2023

Research Article // Water- food- energy- ecosystem nexus model development: Resource scarcity and regional development

By Masoumeh Bararzadeh Ledari, Yadollah Saboohi and Sara Azamian. The aim is to develop a practical method for analyzing the symbiosis of living…

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