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La Plateforme de Ressources Nexus est soumise à un développement stratégique et technique continu.
Research Article // Simulating basin-scale linkages of the food-energy-water nexus with reduced complexity modeling
By Hussain H. Bokhari and colleagues. As the impacts of climate change continue to affect essential Food-Energy-Water Systems (FEWS), there is a…
Research Article // Irrigation Decision Support Systems (IDSS) for California’s Water–Nutrient–Energy Nexus
By Gaurav Jha and colleagues. This article reviews the policy context and science underlying the available irrigation decision support systems…
Research Article // Assessment of Urban Water-Energy Interactions and Heat Island Signatures in Rhode Island
By Fabian Wagner and colleagues. In this study, an Urban-Water-Energy (UWE)-Nexus approach is emplyed to understand water and energy demand and their…
Research Article // Understanding barriers to collaborative governance for the food-energy-water Nexus: The case of Phoenix, Arizona
By J. Leah Jones and Dave D. White. This case study explores the structures and processes behind barriers to collaborative governance within the…
Research article // Multi-agent management of integrated food-energy-water systems using stochastic games: from Nash equilibrium to the social optimum
By Milad Memarzadeh, Scott Moura and Arpad Horvath.
Project // Innovation at the Nexus of Food-Energy-Water Systems (INFEWS) Scholar Program
The National Science Foundation in the the United States funds a research traineeship program with UT Austin and Prairie View A&M University to…
Project // FEWSUS: Food-Energy-Water to Support Sustainable Urban Systems
Funded by the US National Science Foundation, the objectives of this International Research Coordination Network are to build a comprehensive…
Publication // Optimum Turf Grass Irrigation Requirements and Corresponding Water- Energy-CO2 Nexus across Harris County, Texas
By Ripendra Awal, Ali Fares and Hamideh Habibi. The objectives of this publication from researchers at Prairie View A&M University are to (i)…
Publication // Investigation and Assessment of the Management of Natural Resources in the State of California Using the Conceptual Framework of Water–Energy–Food Nexus
By Georgia Manou, Georgios Bariamis, Evangelos Baltas. This article identifies the interlinkages of water, energy and food in California and stresses…
Project // IN-SOURCE: INtegrated analysis and modelling for the management of sustainable urban FWE ReSOURCEs
This project aims to develop a shared urban data and modeling framework to help decision makers (such as governments, utilities, developers,…
Holistic Water-Energy-Food Nexus for Guiding Water Resources Planning // Matagorda County, Texas Case
By Muhammed I. Kulat, Rabi H. Mohtar and Francisco Olivera. The authors developed a holistic framework to provide sustainable scenarios that include…
Water-Food-Energy-Environment Synergies and Tradeoffs // Major Issues and Case Studies
By Peter G. McCornick, Seleshi B. Awulachew and Michael Abebe. Using both a brief global overview as well as a closer review of four case studies…
Slides // The Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Connecting Science and Policy
Collection of presentations from a AGU webinar that took place on 6 Sept 2018 and explored both science and policy relating to the food-energy-water…
Resource Management for Food Security // What Is Food-water and Why Do We not Account for It?
By Martin Keulertz and Tony Allan. With 92 percent of the water used by society for food-water, the behavior of consumers determines the demand for…
Energy Production // The Nexus of Energy and Water Quality
By Erika Weinthal, Avner Vengosh and Kate Neville. While the literature on the water-energy nexus tends to focus on scarcity and security, scientific…
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