event 28 Aug 2018 time 09:00

SWWW 2018 Session // Creating Peace through the Water-Energy-Food and Security Nexus Perspective

In many regions, dwindling water and land resources endanger the livelihoods of the population. Often, poor land and water governance and management – such as a lack of transparent, agreed, and ’fair’ access rights – multiplies the negative effects of increased variability. As water becomes less predicable , competition among resource users over the perceived benefits of different uses becomes fiercer. Applying the Nexus perspective can identify future and mitigate existing conflicts from intensifying.

Logo stockholm world water week 2018
https://www.giz.de/en (C) Christina Karliczek / GIZ

This event is part of the Stockholm World Water Week 2018.

The Nexus approach can help mitigate conflicts in water-stressed regions by providing a base for dialogue and aid in assessing underlying drivers (incl. governance and resource demands) and solutions to ameliorate resource competition thereby reducing political instability and migration.

This event discusses how an integrated perspective on water, land and energy resources (and their interdependencies) can reduce competition over these resources. Specifically, it examines the numerous triggers for conflict over resources on a local level as well as how an integrated perspective helps to reconcile the interests of farmers, fishers, pastoralists, and reservoir operators. After two short keynotes, participants join different round tables, each of which discusses a particular driver of conflict connected to water, land and energy resource competition, as well as the types of activities that could help foster mutually beneficial.

Where and when

NL Pillar Hall

28 Aug 2018


09:00 – 09:05
Welcome Remarks – Water Management as a Challenge for Diplomacy

  • Rolf Welberts, Special Envoy for the Nile, Federal Foreign Office, Germany

09:05 – 09:10
Keynote I: Water resources challenges as a global security challenge – Perspectives from the security community

  • Martina Klimes, SIWI

09:10 – 09:15
Keynote II: Water resources management as a response to global security challenges

  • Charles Iceland, WRI

09:20 – 10:10 Roundtable Discussions

  • Roundtable I: Water resources and food insecurity – what are typical pathways of fueling and mitigating or overcoming conflict?
    Julia Dreher, Federal Foreign Office, Germany
  • Roundtable II: Water resources and energy insecurity – what are typical pathways of fueling and mitigating or overcoming conflict?
    Astrid Hillers, GEF
  • Roundtable III: Water resources and ecosystem services – what are typical pathways of fueling and mitigating or overcoming conflict?
    Eben Chonguica, OKACOM
  • Roundtable IV: Water resources and water scarcity – what are typical pathways of fueling and mitigating or overcoming conflict?

10:10 – 10:25
Reporting back & reflections:
The way ahead – Overcoming security challenges through managing water, energy and food security in an integrated manner

  • Benjamin Pohl, adelphi
  • Susanne Schmeier, IHE Delft

10:25 – 10:30
Closing Remarks

  • Astrid Hillers, GEF


Session Outcomes

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