COP24 // Gender Mainstreaming in Adaptation and Mitigation: A Nexus Approach
The side-event will showcase the nexus between gender mainstreaming in adaptation and mitigation actions and gender-responsive agriculture, food security, nutrition, health, energy. It will showcase synergies through education, women’s human rights and labor rights and gender-responsive NDCs
Key messages
- Women and girls are agents of change. They are key actors and leaders in transformational climate change actions.
- Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls are indispensable to the realization of all the Sustainable Development Goals. States have an obligation to ensure gender-responsive climate actions that promote, protect and respect human rights.1
- The Paris Agreement presents a strong mandate for the full, equal and effective participation of women in shaping climate policies and actions, as well as for the systematic integration of a gender perspective in the work under the Convention and the Paris Agreement.
- A nexus approach to climate action, with gender equality, women’s empowerment and their human and labour rights at the core, ensures synergies and the leveraging of co-benefits of all climate responses in key thematic areas including agriculture, food security and nutrition, decent work, education, health, energy.
- Education is a powerful tool to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment. It contributes to changing mindsets, building social cohesion and enhancing the resilience of communities in the context of climate change.
Enabling factors
There are essential enabling factors for gender-responsive climate actions, including:
- Ensuring that climate change policies, legislation, institutional frameworks, programmes, budgets, investments and other financing initiatives are gender-responsive, underpinned by human rights and ensure a just transition, consistent with the Paris Agreement;
- Strengthened capacity of government officials and institutions to collect, analyze, manage and disseminate data on climate change and its related gender dimensions (including sex- and age-disaggregated data);
- Implementation of gender-related mandates of climate financing, such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility and the Adaptation Fund, including by ensuring accessibility of opportunities for local women’s groups and ensuring that fund allocations are channeled to entities addressing women's issues at national and sub-national levels;
- Supporting efforts to empower women, including grassroots and indigenous women and gender equality mechanisms, in sub-national, national, global intergovernmental climate change and sustainable development processes through investments in their training and capacity-building and facilitating their participation and engagement in national climate change policy and planning processes, along with global processes and conferences;
- According to Human Rights Council resolution 38/4 “the human rights obligations and responsibilities as enshrined in the relevant international human rights instruments provide roles for States and other duty bearers, including businesses, to promote, protect and respect, as would be appropriate, human rights, including those of women and girls, when taking action to address the adverse effects of climate change”.
- Promoting a just transition to a low-carbon economy, which ensures that equality of opportunity and treatment of women and men is established as a specific goal from the outset and that gender inequalities in employment and social protection are not reinforced through the impact of climate policies, but on the contrary that opportunities are harnessed to address gender gaps;
- Ensuring that the ongoing and future technological transformation, particularly access to new technologies needed to adapt to low-carbon economies and digitalization of energy systems, contributes to reducing existing gender inequalities by improving the representation, participation and leadership of women in the development, integration, adoption and promotion of climate-smart technologies and energy systems.
Where and when
COP24 - UN Climate Change Conference
EU Pavilion
Room Wisla
11 Dec 2018
18.30 - 20.00
- Sigrid Kaag, Minister for Foreign Trade and Dev. Cooperation, The Netherlands
- Carolina Schmidt, Minister of the Environment, Chile
- Maria Helena Semedo, FAO
- Claire Harasty, ILO
- Fwilane Banda, Project Luangwa, Zambia
- representatives from youth, women constituencies, UN Women, OHCHR
United Nations
Ms. Verona Collantes
Other COP24 Nexus events
Source: UNFCCC website