event 22 mar. 2018

Presentation // Water, Energy and Food Nexus in Latin America and the Caribbean: Impacts

By Andrei Jouravlev, UN ECLAC, Economic Officer, Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division, held at the 2nd Nexus Dialogues Programme Executive Committee Meeting at Brussels, 1-2 March 2018

Cover presentation nexus dialogue lac uneclac

At the invitation of the European Commission's Directorate General for Development and Cooperation (DG DEVCO), the Natural Resources and Infrastructure Division (NRID) collaborated in the 2nd Nexus Dialogues Programme Executive Committee Meeting and Partners Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, 1-2 March 2018). The first day of meeting brought together implementing and regional partners involved in the project activities as well as donors in order to discuss about the developments of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in 2017 and steer the activities for 2018 and beyond. The second day was open also to other international institutions and organisations that are actively supporting Nexus related activities, offering a platform for mutual exchange and learning.


UN ECLAC website


March 2018

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