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event 27 sept. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 18, September 2023

The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…

event 18 ago. 2023

Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia // Construction Materials from the THC sediment proves their suitability for construction

The Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research (CAIER) has received confirmation from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the…

event 10 ago. 2023

The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Why is Energy so Important for Food and Water Security?

This article by RES4Africa Foundation adresses the complexities associated with water, energy and food security on the African continent. It…

event 25 jul. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Conference “Breaking the Silos for a Sustainable Tomorrow”

The “Nexus Dialogue” event held June 19-20th at the GIZ offices in Bonn, Germany entailed enriching discussions on the achievements, learnings,…

event 06 jun. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 17, June 2023

The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…

event 04 may. 2023

WEF Nexus Book // Let's unravel this Knot! Water-energy-food guide for kids

Making the WEF Nexus accessible to all - including children. Anna Sperotto, has written a book with the support of the Basque Centre for Climate…

event 04 may. 2023

Summer Workshop // Transforming water conflict, climate resilience and international water law.

Oregon state university is launching a new workshop to be held from the 20th to 30th of June in Corvallis, Oregon (USA). This workshop will enhance…

event 26 abr. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogue LAC // IIGE, GIZ, and the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme present the implementation of a solar cocoa dryer in Tena, Ecuador

On April 13th, a technical visit was conducted at the solar cocoa dryer located at the Kallari Association's collection centre in Tena, Ecuador to…

event 17 abr. 2023

Call for papers // Sustainability Nexus Forum Journal

The Sustainability Nexus Forum (SNF) has officially announced the opening of their latest call for papers. This is an opportunity for experts in the…

event 13 abr. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogue MENA // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Training conducted in Algeria to enhance the capacities of the Mediterranean Environmental Network

Between March 19th - 21st 2023, a three-day Water-Energy-Food Nexus training was conducted in Algiers, Algeria for the Nexus Work Group (WG) of the…

event 06 abr. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 16, March 2023

The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…

event 03 abr. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // Securing municipalities’ climate finance within the WEF-Nexus framework, a MINARET II Regional Meeting.

“Road to Finance – Nexus Thinking and Decentralisation of Subnational Governments” was the title of the MINARET II regional meeting that took place…

event 28 feb. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Nexus approach is widely promoted in Turkmenistan

On February 7 and 10, 33 lecturers and professors from the Academy of Civil Service under the President of Turkmenistan (Ashgabat) and the Turkmen…

event 06 feb. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N°15, January 2023

The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…

event 05 ene. 2023

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // The 7th Meeting of the UNECE Task Force on the WEFE Nexus

Promotion of the Nexus Resources Platform as a global knowledge hub for the WEF Nexus community and operationalisation of Nexus Guidelines in the…

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