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42 Noticias
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event 09 jun. 2021

Blog // Interview with first-ever NL Regional Envoy for Water & Energy Security in MENA

Tessa Terpstra is a Deputy Director at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, currently dealing with protocol and host country affairs. She has over 15…

event 10 abr. 2021

Nexus Interview Series // Irene Sander, Coordinator of the Global Nexus Secretariat

With this interview series, we introduce the people working for the Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme. We want to know about their individual…

event 20 nov. 2020

Nexus Interview Series // Introducing the Nexus Dialogue Programme and the People behind it: Antonio Levy

With this interview series, we aim to provide a better picture about the people working for the Nexus Dialogue Programme and their individual…

event 08 jun. 2020

Nexus Interview // From Climate Change to Covid19: How the Nexus Approach can enhance Sustainable Development

Claudia Ringler is the Deputy Director of the Environment and Production Technology Division at the International Food Policy Research Institute…

event 07 abr. 2020

Interview Series // تعريف ببرنامج حوار الترابط وبالأشخاص العاملين به

تهدف هذه السلسلة من اللقاءات إلى إلقاء الضوء على الأشخاص العاملين في برنامج حوار الترابط والتعرف على رؤاهم الخاصة حول التحديات والفرص المرتبطة بترابط…

event 02 abr. 2020

Nexus Interview Series //Introducing the Nexus Dialogue Programme and the People behind it: Dr. Nisreen Lahham

With this interview series, we aim to provide a better picture about the people working for the Nexus Dialogue Programme and their individual…

event 18 nov. 2019

Nexus Interview // Roger Cremades about the new publication “Ten principles to integrate the water-energy-land nexus with climate services for co-producing local and regional integrated assessments”

In this interview, the Nexus Resource Platform speaks to Roger Cremades, co-author of the new publication “Ten principles to integrate the…

event 17 oct. 2019

Nexus Interview Series // Introducing the Nexus Dialogue Programme and the People behind it: Luca Ferrini

With this interview series, we aim to provide a better picture about the people working for the Nexus Dialogue Programme and their individual…

event 16 oct. 2019

Nexus Interview // Dr. Mario Giampietro of the Autonomous University of Barcelona

In this interview, the Nexus Resource Platform speaks with Dr. Giampietro of the Autonomous University of Barcelona about his research on the…

event 31 dic. 2018

Nexus Interview // Prof. Paulo Barbosa of São Paulo School of Advanced Science on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

In this interview, the Nexus Resource Platform speaks with Prof. Paulo Barbosa of São Paulo School of Advanced Science about his role in establishing…

event 26 nov. 2018

Entrevista con Mirbel Alberto Epiquién Rivera // "Desde SUNASS Promovemos los Mecanismos de Retribución por Servicios Ecosistémicos"

En esta entrevista Mirbel Alberto Epiquién Rivera, Jefe de Gestión Ambiental y Servicios Ecosistémicos de la Empresa de Agua y Alcantarillado de Lima…

event 07 nov. 2018

Assessment // The Transboundary Basin Nexus Assessment (TBNA) Methodology

Interview with the authors of the UNECE Synthesis Report on the TBNA Methodology Mario Roidt and Lucia de Strasser. What are insights and lessons…

event 18 oct. 2018

Aquaponics in Small-Scale Farming // Effishent - The Social Startup Using 90% Less Water

The Nexus Resource Platform is widening its scope to include a focus on innovation and entrepreneurship. In this regard, NRP spoke with the social…

event 29 ago. 2018

Nexus Interview // Bassel Daher of Texas A&M University’s Water-Energy-Food Research Group

In this interview, the Nexus Resource Platform speaks with Bassel Daher of Texas A&M University’s Water-Energy-Food Research Group about the article…

event 10 abr. 2018

Nexus Interview // Water Cooperation in Central Asia

Interview with Benjamin Pohl: "The costs of the status quo of water management in Central Asia are very significant, but we can currently observe a…

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